Saturday, June 18, 2022

Toy Soliders, Part 2

"Unit unit Jake ready. Awaiting cum-cum-command."

I took the opportunity to slow down and catch my breath, letting my body recover and build up what I expect would be a very explosive orgasm layer. Without actually stopping from fucking him, I asked, "Jake, you will do anything I ask you to, right?"

"Affirmative Error. User designated friend ally cap-cap-captain, ssir," Jake glitched, even while his face remained completely passive as it stared up at nothing.

"Then give me complete access to your systems," I ordered.

"Acknow- Unable to comply Error internal damage detectedge. Insufficient access level," Jake responded flatly.

"What the fuck? I thought you said I'd do anything I say?" I asked while I drove my cock deeper and more forcefully into his artificial hole. I heard a whining motor sound and Jake twitched his head to the side before staring upward again.

"Affirmative. Unit unit unit unit Jake Error logic conflict Error found," Jake said, his voice more glitchy than before.

"Do you have an access panel," I asked as I started to increase my pace and force, rocking the robot's body again.


"Open it!" I practically screamed at the machine, cutting him off before he can answer.

"Acknowledged Error insufficient access level I must obey Error priority conf conf conf conflict-t-t," Jake said as I felt his body start to shudder.

I quickly withdrew my cock from his ass and scrambled to his side. I gripped his head and unceremoniously shoved my dick into his partially open mouth.

"That's right! You should obey like the hot fucking machine that you are," I said as I humped the robot soldier's head faster and faster.

"Affirmative. This unit this unit this machhhine error will comply comply Error system error critical error erro warning data corruption detected," the android said without moving his mouth, his robotic voice muffled by the cock in its mouth. "ERRRRRRR-" I heard Jake say and then I heard a pop. His leaking boner when from flaccid to hard in an instant, spraying his cum all over his lean body. I could see seams appearing around the young soldier's pecs and abs, which all of a sudden opened up like doors, revealing the rapidly blinking lights and sparking electronics inside.

"FUUUUCK!!!" I screamed like an animal as I unloaded my cum into Jake's tight throat. The robot stayed completely still as I unloaded the load I've been building up for the past hour. I looked down at the young man and saw his emotionless face staring blankly at my groin as I continued humping his head and spilling my seed inside until it started dripping off the side of his mouth.

Completely spent, I withdrew my cock and wiped it on Jake's passive face, his open mouth dripping the cum I just unloaded inside it. I glanced to my side to see the scattered remains of two army robots on the ground. They had an "interesting" way of executing my "rough sex" command. I took a deep breath and looked at the young cadet in front of me, frozen and completely lifeless except for the blinking LEDs inside him. Through a rapid series of questions and suggestions, I managed to "convince" the robot to open up his access panel, at which his chest and his abs separated from the rest of his body, revealing the machine that he is.

To my surprise and there was a very prominent control console inside him that gave me access to Jake's inner workings. That fall must have done a number on him because I was easily able to gain access even to confidential and admin controls, probably as part of being a "registered friend captain". The most important of which was seeing the number of robots in the facility (all of them were, with two marked as "Unreachable"). I also had manual override control over Jake and I reprogrammed the machine to my liking, each command sending the young soldier shuddering and moaning. It took all of my self-control not to fuck him again right then and there. I had a new mission to accomplish after all.

Jake led me into the camp, completely naked and his front parts completely exposed. My worries were quickly dispelled the moment we came across our first group of soldiers, all of them frozen on the spot with blank looks on their faces. Exactly the command I programmed Jake to send to all the robots. Again, self-control as I passed them. My browsing of Jake's data revealed that there might be more fun on the training grounds.

And that was exactly where I saw them, four soldiers and their sergeant out in the sun. They were all standing at attention, paused from what could have been an early morning drill. I walked up to them, emboldened by the feeling of power I had over the units and the erection that I still had out in the open.

"Hello there, boys!" I greeted them, perhaps a bit too lively. The men continued to stare at a distance while their officer stood stiffly looking in my direction.

"Er, sergeant, I think your men aren't being respectful," I joked.

"Units! You will respond to any and all commands from a superior officer, is that clear!" the large man barked, his blank and unemotional face contrasting with the force in his voice.

"Sir, yes, sir!" all four soldiers monotoned loudly before facing me with smiles. "Good morning, Captain registered friend, sir!" they said with a more natural tone.

"Good morning! I think it's time for a weapons inspection, don't you think?"

"We ... our weapons our stored in our ... we comply with ... officer", the soldiers started to look confused as they replied in a disjointed manner.

"Oh, I meant the ones inside your pants, the weapons attached to your groins. Er, take out your cocks for inspection," I mentally facepalmed, amused, and slightly annoyed at how simplistic their processors seemed to be. I quickly forgot about that when they all pulled their cocks out of their pants and returned to standing at attention, their glorious and large members also standing proudly in the air.

"You, too, sarge! You need to set a good example," I smirked.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldier complied without a change in his expression. Now all five robots had their rods out, standing at attention and looking at me with artificial smiles.

"Wow! You guys must be really happy to see me," I chuckled.

"Sir, yes, sir! We are made to serve, sir!" they all said in perfect unison, including the sergeant.

"Made huh? What are you really?" I asked.

"We are machines, sir. We are made for combat and protection, programmed to obey and serve," the robots replied plainly, making my cock twitch and leak without even touching it.

"But who made you and why?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

All five machines stiffened and looked blank. "Access to classified information denied. XO level unit required," they said robotically before returning to their state and smiling back at me.

"Sarge, is there an XO unit in the camp?"

"Affirmative, Major unit is inside its office. System is paused," the sergeant answered after a few seconds of silence.

"Well, that can wait for later. For now, why don't you bots strip naked and show me what you've got. Better yet, why don't you beat the crap out of each other, and the winner gets the honor of being my second fucktoy for the day," I grinned as I started to slowly stroke my cock.

In record time, they were all butt naked and fighting each other like their mechanical lives depended on it, and, in a way, it was. It was too late for me to remember how literal they can get and pretty soon the field became a robot warzone. The four soldiers, who were probably buddies a few minutes ago, lost no time in executing their combat programs on one another. I could only watch in awe and lust as the robots tore arms or legs off, sometimes punching a hole right through one's torso or ripping the head off another one. All these while buck naked, their erect cocks leaking and spraying their artificial cum at each damage.

The sergeant didn't miss out on the action and jumped into the fray, tearing one unlucky soldier in half in one motion. The robot's top half flailed on the ground, spitting out error messages, while its lower half was spitting its jizz. The more powerful machine wasn't left unscathed, as the other units each tried to break the sergeant's arms or legs. It wasn't long before the area was littered with twitching robot parts. The sergeant unit outlasted them all, even after having all his arms and legs torn off. I flipped it over to its stomach and was soon plowing his ass while he blankly looked at his destroyed soldiers that were, to my surprise, still ejaculating and moaning in monotone until they finally shut down.

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