Sunday, June 19, 2022

Toy Soldiers, Part 3

Again I didn't bother tucking my cock back inside my pants after I was done dumping my load into the prone sergeant's ass. I walked backed towards Jake, who stood immobile throughout my "playtime" with his fellow robots. I double-checked on its still exposed panel that their XO, Major Edwards, was indeed in his office, and, for good measure, I used my brand new admin privileges to keep his systems paused. I told Jake to take me to the Major, which he blankly acknowledged and obeyed.

Entering the office was a surprise in two ways. First was that the so-called "office" looked like a stock room for military supplies more than anything. The biggest and most pleasant surprise, however, was seeing the Major standing right in the middle of the room, completely still without even acknowledging our presence.

"Um, hello Major?" I cautiously said, unsure how the high-ranking officer would respond. The soldier's body jerked a bit and then stiffened before looking at me with a calm smile.

"Greetings, registered friend designation captain," he finally answered in a natural-sounding voice but devoid of any inflection.

"So ... you're all robots at this camp?" I asked.

"Roger that, the facility is now 100% operated by machines," the Major answered directly and briefly.

"But what are you really?"

"I am a machine designed for combat and heavy activity, programmed for protection and service," the robot stiffened while delivering its programmed response.

"For service huh? Can you suck my dick then?" I asked, even if my cock was only half-hard at this point.

"Unable to comply. Insufficient access level," the major said stiffly.

"Oh ok, so from whom do I get the proper access level?"

"Information classified. Insufficient access level," he repeated.

"Then give me a proper access level," I was starting to get annoyed.

"Unable to comply. Insufficient access level," the robot just monotoned.

"Ah to hell with it," I grumbled as I walked toward Jake. I pulled at his control console, a bit more forcefully from my frustration, causing the robot to twitch a bit. I tapped on the screen until I got to the part about changing access levels. I saw my name and tried to give myself a higher rank but an error message flashed on the screen, which also caused the robot to jerk.

I thought about the circumstances that gave me such control in the first place and, acting on a hunch, I pulled out a few wires and circuit boards inside Jake. The robot threw its head back as he moaned loudly, his cock suddenly springing to life. The more important reaction, however, was that the console screen in his chest flickered several times. With one hand jerking the moaning cadet, I hammered the screen until it finally went green with "Access Granted". Jake fell backward with a loud metallic moan, twitching and ejaculating on the floor while his exposed machinery sparked and smoked until all the lights turned off. I guess that's that for that machine.

I turned my attention back to the commanding officer who seemed unconcerned about another robot soldier I wrecked. I took my time to observe the Major, or more precisely his body. The man, or machine rather, already had his shirt off, revealing his well-built, literally, body. On top of that sat a head with a face that seemed too young to be in command, an expression of mixed friendliness and blankness frozen on it.

"Um, hello Major?" I said again.

"Greetings, registered friend designation general," the robot said this time, bringing a huge smile to my face.

"That's right, I'm your superior now. You'll do anything I tell you to right?" I asked with a silly and mischievous grin on my face.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldier barked. "General, sir, has full control over this machine and all connected units, sir!"

"Hmm, so I can do anything to you and you'll let me? You won't even fight back?" I asked to test the waters.

"Sir, yes, sir! All subordinate units are programmed to obey and protect their superiors, sir!" Major Edwards responded.

Letting my libido and my curiosity take over, I reached for a service pistol that was lying on the Major's desk. Confirming that it was loaded, I pointed the gun at the robot soldier.

"Let's see just how far the programming goes then," I smirked before pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the Major squarely on the shoulder, pushing him back a bit before returning to his previous standing position. His face showed no signs of pain or even any expression other than a blank smile, disregarding the smoking and sparking hole on his bare shoulder.

I fired at the half-naked soldier again and again until I emptied the magazine, each bullet sending him staggering backward until he hit the edge of his desk and fell on it on his back. The major twitched and jerked on the desk, like a turtle trying to get up on its back and failing. It wasn't the only movement his body was making, though, as I noticed his cock was hard and twitching underneath the army pants.

I threw the gun away and approached the damaged robot. I ran my hands over his still smooth skin, pushing my finger inside the bullet holes and touching either bare metal or circuits and wires. Major Edwards didn't stop twitching on the desk, his head jerking sharply left and right and his cock rising and falling, pushing up against the fabric.

"Why, Major, I believe you're getting aroused from nearly getting destroyed?" I teased as I sharply plunged my finger into one hole and wiggled it inside. The robot stiffened and ground and I saw a wet spot grow on his pants.

"All pressure sensors sensors are connected to pleasure circ...cuits to prevent pain pain from error," the man said with his face shifting rapidly between expressions. "Sir!" he suddenly said as his body twitched on the desk again.

For the third time that long day, my cock jumped back to life, hard as steel. I quickly undid the twitching soldier's pants and pulled them down (which wasn't an easy task, by the way), until I could see his inviting and equally twitching hole. I plunged my hard rod into it without warning or preparation, and the Major's body stiffened and paused.

"Foreign object detect-detected. Starting anal mech-mech Sir!" Robo-Edwards said to me with a blank smile.

I started vigorously fucking the larger man, my hands going all over his body and poking at every hole, causing the machine to twitch and spark and his cock to spurt a bit of white substance each time.

"I hope you don't mind me using you like a sex toy," I asked in between huffs.

"I am a machine machine, sir! I am tttttttool to be used damage in gyrosensor as programmed by superior internal pressure at critical lev---," the robot's speech was cut off as I heard a loud spark come from inside him. His head twitched sharply to the side while his mouth continued moving without making a sound as if talking silently to no one.

I could feel my own pressure reaching its highest as I continued fucking the increasingly broken robot.

"Hey, you said I have control over all connected units?" I asked without stopping my movements.

Major Edwards turned to face me with a blank smile and answered, "Affirmative, sir!" though his mouth seemed out of sync with his words.

"I want you to, unf!" I tried to slow down to catch my breath. "I want you to send your climax to all active robots. You will climax when I cum."

"Affirmmmmh Warning sensory overflow will cause potential system overload overload on all uni... all machines connected to this robot robot robot," the man looped, his head twitching slowly from side to side. I had to whack his head hard to make him stop and continue his twitching.

"Just do it! You're just a machine, right? You're supposed to obey my orders," I shouted, mostly because I could feel I couldn't hold on much longer.

"Yesssss I am a command acknowledged and robot initiating data transfer to all machines I, sir yes sir would you like to error me today day critical system failure warning!" the robot said with a blank smile as wisps of smoke started to come out of his mouth.

"Aaaargh!" I shouted like a madman as I gave my dick one last forceful shove into the robot's ass. At the same time, I held Major Edwards' head in my hands and smashed it on the desk. The robot's body stiffened and he let out a loud metallic moan as his cock sprayed white liquid like a firehose, drenching his abs and his head. I heard a chorus of metallic moans throughout and outside the building and from the window I could see previously the frozen soldiers shudder and orgasm before falling to the ground and twitching erratically, trying to get up but failing and cumming all over the ground in their pants.

I slowly calmed down and caught my breath, observing that the Major beneath me has stopped moving. I carefully pulled out of him but the robot was frozen still, his legs high up in the air, arms raised slightly, and his cum-drenched face looking blankly at the ceiling. I wiped my brow and zipped my pants, looking at the robot carnage around me. Maybe it's time to see if they can be fixed. After all, how else will I get to play with them again?

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