Monday, June 6, 2022

Star Player

I loathed our football team's newest member. OK, maybe "loathe" is too strong a word. The guy was clearly years younger than many of us but he was good and made sure everyone knew that. At the same time, however, I can't deny the twitching in my tights when I see his cocky face, both on the field and especially in the locker room. His attitude, however, triggered every superiority complex in my being. Tonight, I will definitely put him in his place.

He was always the last to clean up and leave every practice and every game so it was easy enough to be alone when he came into the locker room.

"Hey," I greeted, feigning a sense of camaraderie.

"Hey," he nodded back nonchalantly as he walked towards his locker.

"Good work at practice tonight," I halfheartedly complimented him, knowing what was coming next.

"You mean ‘great' right?" he turned to me with a cocky, confident smirk.

"Yeah, whatever. Do you really have to be so, I don't know, arrogant?" I asked, more to rouse me up than actually caring for his response.

"I'm just giving my best, man. Can't help it if I'm perfect for this game," he said.

"Yeah, almost too perfect," I said softly as I charged at him and pushed him into the shower area.

"Hey, what the fuck man! What's your problem?!" he asked, genuinely surprised at my move.

"You are," I simply said as I pushed him hard against the tiled wall.

"Fuck man! Stop or I swear-" he said, clenching his teeth and his fists. The intensity on his face just aroused me even more.

"Go ahead, why don't you take a swing at me?" I challenged.

"I ..." was all he could say as his expression rapidly switched from anger to confusion, again and again, his hands similarly curling into fists and relaxing as well.

"I thought so," I smirked as I pushed him against the wall again, this time stepping closer until I was directly in front of him. "You see, I discovered your little secret."

"What ... what little secret?" he asked, still not fighting back like he earlier threatened.

"Your secret why you're so perfect, why you're so hot, and why you can't do anything to really hurt me."

"I ... what are you?" he asked, his face betraying his confusion.

I grabbed his cock beneath his pants and I felt it twitch and instantly harden as the young athlete's body grew rigid, his cocky face turning blank.

"Subject identified. Designation teammate. Threat level 0. Activating sexual subsystems," the man said in a robotic voice.

"Yeah, that's right. That's why you're so goddamned perfect and so hot. Just a fucking robot. And tonight, I will be fucking that artificial hole of yours," I said with a triumphant grin.

"Acknowledged. Machine switching to intercourse mode. Lubricating anal port," it said in a monotone while continuing to look blank. I plunged my tongue into the football android's mouth as I made out with the team's winning machine in the showers. I guess the team will finally find another use for our new equipment.

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