Sunday, June 5, 2022


It was too late when the teen stepped into the pool for a quick skinny dip, unaware that one of the pool's underwater lights had been broken, its active wires exposed. The moment his feet made contact with the water, a surge of high-voltage electricity coursed through his body. It instantly fried some smaller circuits, sending his systems into chaos.

He fell down silently on his bare ass at the edge of the pool, unable to even mouth the error messages flooding his system logs. As with most androids of his model, severe errors and malfunctions tended to confuse and activate their most sensitive subsystem. The young robot's cock sprung to life as his systems were dying down. He was at least able to send a quick message to his owner and remotely turn off the pool's electricity before his cock started ejaculating all over the water a few moments before he completely shut down.

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