Friday, June 3, 2022

Side Trip

We were driving through the middle of nowhere on a dirtbike, my partner clinging to my torso behind me. He didn't tell me the purpose of his trip and I simply followed the destination he put into my GPS a while ago, indicating a stop somewhere in between. After a few minutes, we arrived at a clearing and I slowly pressed the brakes until we stopped.

"We're here," I announced as I put my foot on the ground, balancing the bike. I saw him nod and squeezed my body tightly before getting off the bike and removing his helmet. He looked around for a while as if checking if there were other people nearby. Considering the remote location, the probability of that is close to none.

"OK, this will do," he said as he slowly stripped off his jacket and shirt, leaving only his pants and boots on. "I still have a few hours before my appointment in the city, so I figured, why not have some fun first" He smiled coyly in my direction. I didn't answer since he wasn't really asking a question. "Get over here," he finally said while rubbing his naked torso with his hands.

I put the bike's stand down as I got off, making sure it was steady. I walked to him and stood still as he removed my helmet and tossed it on the ground. He slowly pulled my jacket's zipper down and undressed me, revealing my built body.

"God, your beautiful!" he said as he ran his hands all over me, licking his lips from time to time.

"Get down and suck my dick," he commanded.

"Yes, sir," I said flatly as I went down on my knees and swiftly engulfed his already stiff cock in my mouth. I grabbed his soft ass cheeks, more for his support rather than mine, as I started to slowly bob my head up and down his shaft. He suddenly grabbed my head with both hands and started to roughly fuck my face, ramming his hard cock inside my mouth. He would sometimes force it deep down, pressing my face into his pubes. I didn't need to breathe.

My own rod hardened from the rough handling but it was dry as a bone. There wasn't enough internal pressure to push the pre out. The tanks weren't getting enough power to build up the pressure.

Before I could mouth a warning, my owner picked up his pace and started slamming his body hard against my face, his flesh slapping against my face now audibly heard. He then pulled my head off his cock and pushed me to the ground, my body landing on a patch of dark grass. With a yell, he sprayed his cum all over my face, some of it dripping into my partly open mouth and my right eye. I didn't blink nor could I.

"Battery loooww," I said in a deep but slurred voice as I laid on the ground completely still except for my cock twitching in a dry ejaculation.

"Shit! I knew I should have charged you after last night's long fuck," he said as he got dressed. "We can't turn back now or I'll be late. I'll just come back for you. It's not like anyone's going to pass by here anyway," he mumbled, talking to himself more than to me as he got on the bike and drove off to his destination. I stayed still on the ground with cum on my face as I suspended my systems until my partner and owner returned.

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