Friday, June 10, 2022

Shocking Discovery

I kept knocking on my buddy's door for almost 2 minutes with no response. I was sure he was inside because we were just messaging each other a few minutes ago before I drove to his place. He said he'd be ready in a few minutes and just needed to clean up. Knowing him, "clean up" was shorthand for wiping off whatever cum sprayed onto his pecs and dribbled down to his smooth six-pack.

I quickly banished the thought to stop myself from getting hard at a time like this. After a dozen more knocks that would have surely woken up the dead, not to mention his neighbors, I fished out my keyring and looked for the duplicate I made of his keys. For cases like this, of course.

I called out his name as I entered his tiny apartment unit, again to no response but I finally found out why.

"Malfunction. Malfunction. System overload. Error. Malfunction. System overload. Ejaculating Error."

My friend said repeatedly in a robotic voice while splayed face down on the floor, jerking and twitching every few seconds. His artificial cock was lying right next to his head, similarly twitching as if ejaculating on its own. A pool of cum was starting to form underneath him, presumably as his synthetic flowed non-stop from what I presumed is now a gaping hole.

Leaning closer, I could smell something like burnt rubber and saw the cord of his hairdryer lying across his leg. I quickly unplugged it and saw it spark at a portion with an exposed wire. I guess that explains what happened. Now to figure out how to reboot my robot friend, though his malfunctioning body and smooth ass tell me I won't be doing that just yet.

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