Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Playing Dirty

Although they haven't completely replaced humans in sports, there are times when robots have been employed at times when the situation is either too dangerous or too unhygienic for humans. Centuries-old mud wrestling, for example, now uses machines with highly sophisticated strategic AIs to deliver the same thrill and enjoyment without risking human health. They even have additional entertainment benefits in some situations, depending on the crowd or the programming installed.

Take these two androids for example. Built and designed primarily for sport, the robot knows that its opponent has most of its processors engaged in predicting and countering attacks. Simultaneously grabbing its I/O rod and jamming its fist into its rear port has caused the robot to overload and lose control, eliciting a roar of applause from the audience. Of course, the triumphant droid has also calculated that this particular crowd has a desire to see other kinds of machine-on-machine action and has started to strip its malfunctioning opponent naked to execute its domination program.

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