Thursday, June 9, 2022

Office Acquisition

I smiled smugly as the job applicant rattled off his achievements in the past year. I didn't really need to pay attention because it was exactly what was written on his file anyway. I didn't even bother pretending to be listening as I causally fiddle with my phone, scrolling to the app that would decide the fate of the pretty young man sitting in front of me.

It was only after a few moments of silence that I realized he had stopped talking. I glanced up to see him just sitting still and beaming a confident smile at me. I smiled back but less innocently.

"Now for the final test," I said as I tapped a button on the phone app.

The effect was instantaneous. The young man lost all his previous composure as his hands gripped the table, his mouth opening and closing in an expression of surprise while his body started to tremble.

"Warning! Warning! Unauthorized access. DDoS attack detected. Warn-"

The boy barely finished when he suddenly stood up and gripped his cock through his dress pants.

"Ugh oh I ah buffer overflow ah ah so hot yes! Error system integrity compromised yes fuck please! Activating sexual unable to compensate," the young hunk said in a monotone that contrasted the look of confusion and arousal on his face. I remained seated, casually observing his systems go into overdrive from being instantly hammered with terabytes of data from the office server.

The young man stepped back and lifted his arms, stretching the thin fabric of his suit and showing off the fine form beneath. He started to jerk more erratically while bucking his hips forward.

"Warning! System overload. I can't oh uhhhh machine error system malfunction Error error. Orgasm system overloaded error," the robot said flatly, devoid of all emotion and inflection even while its body was on the verge of reaching its limit.

I tapped the phone again to turn off the program. The android slumped over the table, his head turned to the side with an artificial and blank smile. His jaw moved up and down mechanically while drool started dripping out of his mouth and onto the desk.

I walked around the table and behind this raised butt. I forcefully pulled down his pants, ripping the pants and even the belt off of his firm legs. I unzipped my own pants and took out my cock, giving it a few tugs before placing its head at the entrance of his hole.

"Congratulations! Consider yourself acquired," I smirked as I rammed my cock into him.

We both stiffened up and said at the same time, "External device detected. Establishing data connection."

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