Friday, June 10, 2022


I could barely contain my excitement and neither could my pants. After a hard day at work, I was looking forward to relieving my stress before finally passing out in bed. Fuck dinner! It's Saturday tomorrow and I have more important urges to attend. Simply thinking about what I have planned for tonight kept me hard throughout the entire bus ride home. Thank goodness for bags!

That bag unceremoniously flew over to the couch as I fumbled with my tie. I opened the door to my "private room" and my cock immediately jumped at the sight. There he was, exactly where I left him this morning, exactly how I left him this morning.

He was on all fours, except his body was facing up as was his large rigid cock. Not a single movement, not even an acknowledgment of my presence, perfectly still and immobile. I ran my hands over his hard stomach and there finally felt a bit of movement, the slight vibrations coming from the motors and electronics inside. The slightly warm temperature of his skin assures me that he was still running, just in low power mode.

Yes, this hunk of a man is nothing more than a machine, an android I purchased not too long ago for no other purpose than my "after office" recreation. The robot's programming is pretty basic, which also explains the cheap price tag. It can't even do household chores. This one is purely just for fun and that is exactly what I need right now, impaling myself on its enormous stick and riding it until I cum and give it the command to release inside me. I don't even have to worry about passing out on top of it before I can even reach the bed. That's what my housekeeping android is for.

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