Wednesday, June 1, 2022


He laid there buck naked on the makeshift bed, really a large table with just a comforter and a pillow thrown over it, immobile and still as a mannequin. Given that and his perfect physique, you would have probably mistaken him for one if not for the patches of hair on his chest and groin, realistic and almost like the real thing. It's not the real thing, though, and neither is he.

The "man" is really nothing more than a highly sophisticated life-size doll, though you wouldn't be able to tell until you take a closer look to notice the nearly invisible seams on the skin that connect its parts. Unlike a mannequin, though, he isn't hollow inside, containing servos, cables, hydraulics, and joints, everything needed to make it move.

And, most importantly, an embedded computer that allows me to program it to my needs and liking or take manual control even when he's on standby mode when I'm doing maintenance like now. Seeing the advanced machine totally under my control, I couldn't resist his sexual systems up even when he was done playing with his tool as part of my "systems test". Who said chores can't be fun?

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