Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Cyber Bullies

WARNING: Implied non-con element in the guise of righteous vengeance.

The experiment was a success! The only thing that kept me from laughing out loud like a maniacal evil genius was the two hot robots battling over my cock. Yes, robots, though they were previously just two out-of-school youths that tormented and even harmed me every chance they got.

A little promise of some coke here, a dash of nanobots there, pretty soon these two admittedly hot young men were little more than obedient machines. And I mean that literally. Don't be deceived by their otherwise normal external appearance. Nothing is organic anymore. All that's inside are metal, wires, and circuits while the outside is fake synthetic flesh. Their brains have also been digitized and, believe me, there wasn't much to convert anyway.

Phase 2 of the project: use the new robots to convert the rest of their gang. Soon I'll have a set of machines that will do society some good. Not to mention my personal harem of robot toys.

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