Friday, June 3, 2022

Break Time

I was patrolling the less trodden corridors of the factory when I came across one of the workers standing completely still by the wall. He was half-naked, his orange suit rolled down and tied around his waist, his hands holding his white undershirt. Funnily enough, he still had his safety hat on his downturned head.

I walked up to the man who didn't even react to my approach. Up close, I could see his eyes were half-open as was his mouth. I snapped my fingers in front of his face and, not seeing any reaction, sighed out loud. I lifted the worker's face by the chin, only to discover a thick white liquid flowing out of his mouth. I wiped the substance off his clothes and, to no one surprise, I touched a wet spot there too.

I sighed again as I pulled out a screwdriver from my belt bag and jabbed it at the edge of the man's shoulder tattoo. Of course, he neither flinch nor moved, even when I used the tool to pry open the secret access panel. The dead LED lights inside confirmed my suspicions as if I needed any further proof. This is the third time this month that a robot worker has been discovered in remote sections of the plant, fully drained of battery but also filled with cum at almost all its openings.

I plugged in the standard-issue power bank given to security guards and the machine jolted to life.

"Unit MC-0121 activated. Awaiting command," it spoke, sputtering some of that cum out of its mouth.

I sighed again, "Ok MC whatever, follow me to the office and we'll have a look at your logs. If those haven't been deleted yet."

"Affirmative, sir," the robot answered flatly as it walked behind me, making my cock twitch. That boring walk turned out to be fruitful after all.

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