Sunday, June 19, 2022

Toy Soldiers, Part 3

Again I didn't bother tucking my cock back inside my pants after I was done dumping my load into the prone sergeant's ass. I walked backed towards Jake, who stood immobile throughout my "playtime" with his fellow robots. I double-checked on its still exposed panel that their XO, Major Edwards, was indeed in his office, and, for good measure, I used my brand new admin privileges to keep his systems paused. I told Jake to take me to the Major, which he blankly acknowledged and obeyed.

Entering the office was a surprise in two ways. First was that the so-called "office" looked like a stock room for military supplies more than anything. The biggest and most pleasant surprise, however, was seeing the Major standing right in the middle of the room, completely still without even acknowledging our presence.

"Um, hello Major?" I cautiously said, unsure how the high-ranking officer would respond. The soldier's body jerked a bit and then stiffened before looking at me with a calm smile.

"Greetings, registered friend designation captain," he finally answered in a natural-sounding voice but devoid of any inflection.

"So ... you're all robots at this camp?" I asked.

"Roger that, the facility is now 100% operated by machines," the Major answered directly and briefly.

"But what are you really?"

"I am a machine designed for combat and heavy activity, programmed for protection and service," the robot stiffened while delivering its programmed response.

"For service huh? Can you suck my dick then?" I asked, even if my cock was only half-hard at this point.

"Unable to comply. Insufficient access level," the major said stiffly.

"Oh ok, so from whom do I get the proper access level?"

"Information classified. Insufficient access level," he repeated.

"Then give me a proper access level," I was starting to get annoyed.

"Unable to comply. Insufficient access level," the robot just monotoned.

"Ah to hell with it," I grumbled as I walked toward Jake. I pulled at his control console, a bit more forcefully from my frustration, causing the robot to twitch a bit. I tapped on the screen until I got to the part about changing access levels. I saw my name and tried to give myself a higher rank but an error message flashed on the screen, which also caused the robot to jerk.

I thought about the circumstances that gave me such control in the first place and, acting on a hunch, I pulled out a few wires and circuit boards inside Jake. The robot threw its head back as he moaned loudly, his cock suddenly springing to life. The more important reaction, however, was that the console screen in his chest flickered several times. With one hand jerking the moaning cadet, I hammered the screen until it finally went green with "Access Granted". Jake fell backward with a loud metallic moan, twitching and ejaculating on the floor while his exposed machinery sparked and smoked until all the lights turned off. I guess that's that for that machine.

I turned my attention back to the commanding officer who seemed unconcerned about another robot soldier I wrecked. I took my time to observe the Major, or more precisely his body. The man, or machine rather, already had his shirt off, revealing his well-built, literally, body. On top of that sat a head with a face that seemed too young to be in command, an expression of mixed friendliness and blankness frozen on it.

"Um, hello Major?" I said again.

"Greetings, registered friend designation general," the robot said this time, bringing a huge smile to my face.

"That's right, I'm your superior now. You'll do anything I tell you to right?" I asked with a silly and mischievous grin on my face.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldier barked. "General, sir, has full control over this machine and all connected units, sir!"

"Hmm, so I can do anything to you and you'll let me? You won't even fight back?" I asked to test the waters.

"Sir, yes, sir! All subordinate units are programmed to obey and protect their superiors, sir!" Major Edwards responded.

Letting my libido and my curiosity take over, I reached for a service pistol that was lying on the Major's desk. Confirming that it was loaded, I pointed the gun at the robot soldier.

"Let's see just how far the programming goes then," I smirked before pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the Major squarely on the shoulder, pushing him back a bit before returning to his previous standing position. His face showed no signs of pain or even any expression other than a blank smile, disregarding the smoking and sparking hole on his bare shoulder.

I fired at the half-naked soldier again and again until I emptied the magazine, each bullet sending him staggering backward until he hit the edge of his desk and fell on it on his back. The major twitched and jerked on the desk, like a turtle trying to get up on its back and failing. It wasn't the only movement his body was making, though, as I noticed his cock was hard and twitching underneath the army pants.

I threw the gun away and approached the damaged robot. I ran my hands over his still smooth skin, pushing my finger inside the bullet holes and touching either bare metal or circuits and wires. Major Edwards didn't stop twitching on the desk, his head jerking sharply left and right and his cock rising and falling, pushing up against the fabric.

"Why, Major, I believe you're getting aroused from nearly getting destroyed?" I teased as I sharply plunged my finger into one hole and wiggled it inside. The robot stiffened and ground and I saw a wet spot grow on his pants.

"All pressure sensors sensors are connected to pleasure circ...cuits to prevent pain pain from error," the man said with his face shifting rapidly between expressions. "Sir!" he suddenly said as his body twitched on the desk again.

For the third time that long day, my cock jumped back to life, hard as steel. I quickly undid the twitching soldier's pants and pulled them down (which wasn't an easy task, by the way), until I could see his inviting and equally twitching hole. I plunged my hard rod into it without warning or preparation, and the Major's body stiffened and paused.

"Foreign object detect-detected. Starting anal mech-mech Sir!" Robo-Edwards said to me with a blank smile.

I started vigorously fucking the larger man, my hands going all over his body and poking at every hole, causing the machine to twitch and spark and his cock to spurt a bit of white substance each time.

"I hope you don't mind me using you like a sex toy," I asked in between huffs.

"I am a machine machine, sir! I am tttttttool to be used damage in gyrosensor as programmed by superior internal pressure at critical lev---," the robot's speech was cut off as I heard a loud spark come from inside him. His head twitched sharply to the side while his mouth continued moving without making a sound as if talking silently to no one.

I could feel my own pressure reaching its highest as I continued fucking the increasingly broken robot.

"Hey, you said I have control over all connected units?" I asked without stopping my movements.

Major Edwards turned to face me with a blank smile and answered, "Affirmative, sir!" though his mouth seemed out of sync with his words.

"I want you to, unf!" I tried to slow down to catch my breath. "I want you to send your climax to all active robots. You will climax when I cum."

"Affirmmmmh Warning sensory overflow will cause potential system overload overload on all uni... all machines connected to this robot robot robot," the man looped, his head twitching slowly from side to side. I had to whack his head hard to make him stop and continue his twitching.

"Just do it! You're just a machine, right? You're supposed to obey my orders," I shouted, mostly because I could feel I couldn't hold on much longer.

"Yesssss I am a command acknowledged and robot initiating data transfer to all machines I, sir yes sir would you like to error me today day critical system failure warning!" the robot said with a blank smile as wisps of smoke started to come out of his mouth.

"Aaaargh!" I shouted like a madman as I gave my dick one last forceful shove into the robot's ass. At the same time, I held Major Edwards' head in my hands and smashed it on the desk. The robot's body stiffened and he let out a loud metallic moan as his cock sprayed white liquid like a firehose, drenching his abs and his head. I heard a chorus of metallic moans throughout and outside the building and from the window I could see previously the frozen soldiers shudder and orgasm before falling to the ground and twitching erratically, trying to get up but failing and cumming all over the ground in their pants.

I slowly calmed down and caught my breath, observing that the Major beneath me has stopped moving. I carefully pulled out of him but the robot was frozen still, his legs high up in the air, arms raised slightly, and his cum-drenched face looking blankly at the ceiling. I wiped my brow and zipped my pants, looking at the robot carnage around me. Maybe it's time to see if they can be fixed. After all, how else will I get to play with them again?

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Toy Soliders, Part 2

"Unit unit Jake ready. Awaiting cum-cum-command."

I took the opportunity to slow down and catch my breath, letting my body recover and build up what I expect would be a very explosive orgasm layer. Without actually stopping from fucking him, I asked, "Jake, you will do anything I ask you to, right?"

"Affirmative Error. User designated friend ally cap-cap-captain, ssir," Jake glitched, even while his face remained completely passive as it stared up at nothing.

"Then give me complete access to your systems," I ordered.

"Acknow- Unable to comply Error internal damage detectedge. Insufficient access level," Jake responded flatly.

"What the fuck? I thought you said I'd do anything I say?" I asked while I drove my cock deeper and more forcefully into his artificial hole. I heard a whining motor sound and Jake twitched his head to the side before staring upward again.

"Affirmative. Unit unit unit unit Jake Error logic conflict Error found," Jake said, his voice more glitchy than before.

"Do you have an access panel," I asked as I started to increase my pace and force, rocking the robot's body again.


"Open it!" I practically screamed at the machine, cutting him off before he can answer.

"Acknowledged Error insufficient access level I must obey Error priority conf conf conf conflict-t-t," Jake said as I felt his body start to shudder.

I quickly withdrew my cock from his ass and scrambled to his side. I gripped his head and unceremoniously shoved my dick into his partially open mouth.

"That's right! You should obey like the hot fucking machine that you are," I said as I humped the robot soldier's head faster and faster.

"Affirmative. This unit this unit this machhhine error will comply comply Error system error critical error erro warning data corruption detected," the android said without moving his mouth, his robotic voice muffled by the cock in its mouth. "ERRRRRRR-" I heard Jake say and then I heard a pop. His leaking boner when from flaccid to hard in an instant, spraying his cum all over his lean body. I could see seams appearing around the young soldier's pecs and abs, which all of a sudden opened up like doors, revealing the rapidly blinking lights and sparking electronics inside.

"FUUUUCK!!!" I screamed like an animal as I unloaded my cum into Jake's tight throat. The robot stayed completely still as I unloaded the load I've been building up for the past hour. I looked down at the young man and saw his emotionless face staring blankly at my groin as I continued humping his head and spilling my seed inside until it started dripping off the side of his mouth.

Completely spent, I withdrew my cock and wiped it on Jake's passive face, his open mouth dripping the cum I just unloaded inside it. I glanced to my side to see the scattered remains of two army robots on the ground. They had an "interesting" way of executing my "rough sex" command. I took a deep breath and looked at the young cadet in front of me, frozen and completely lifeless except for the blinking LEDs inside him. Through a rapid series of questions and suggestions, I managed to "convince" the robot to open up his access panel, at which his chest and his abs separated from the rest of his body, revealing the machine that he is.

To my surprise and there was a very prominent control console inside him that gave me access to Jake's inner workings. That fall must have done a number on him because I was easily able to gain access even to confidential and admin controls, probably as part of being a "registered friend captain". The most important of which was seeing the number of robots in the facility (all of them were, with two marked as "Unreachable"). I also had manual override control over Jake and I reprogrammed the machine to my liking, each command sending the young soldier shuddering and moaning. It took all of my self-control not to fuck him again right then and there. I had a new mission to accomplish after all.

Jake led me into the camp, completely naked and his front parts completely exposed. My worries were quickly dispelled the moment we came across our first group of soldiers, all of them frozen on the spot with blank looks on their faces. Exactly the command I programmed Jake to send to all the robots. Again, self-control as I passed them. My browsing of Jake's data revealed that there might be more fun on the training grounds.

And that was exactly where I saw them, four soldiers and their sergeant out in the sun. They were all standing at attention, paused from what could have been an early morning drill. I walked up to them, emboldened by the feeling of power I had over the units and the erection that I still had out in the open.

"Hello there, boys!" I greeted them, perhaps a bit too lively. The men continued to stare at a distance while their officer stood stiffly looking in my direction.

"Er, sergeant, I think your men aren't being respectful," I joked.

"Units! You will respond to any and all commands from a superior officer, is that clear!" the large man barked, his blank and unemotional face contrasting with the force in his voice.

"Sir, yes, sir!" all four soldiers monotoned loudly before facing me with smiles. "Good morning, Captain registered friend, sir!" they said with a more natural tone.

"Good morning! I think it's time for a weapons inspection, don't you think?"

"We ... our weapons our stored in our ... we comply with ... officer", the soldiers started to look confused as they replied in a disjointed manner.

"Oh, I meant the ones inside your pants, the weapons attached to your groins. Er, take out your cocks for inspection," I mentally facepalmed, amused, and slightly annoyed at how simplistic their processors seemed to be. I quickly forgot about that when they all pulled their cocks out of their pants and returned to standing at attention, their glorious and large members also standing proudly in the air.

"You, too, sarge! You need to set a good example," I smirked.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldier complied without a change in his expression. Now all five robots had their rods out, standing at attention and looking at me with artificial smiles.

"Wow! You guys must be really happy to see me," I chuckled.

"Sir, yes, sir! We are made to serve, sir!" they all said in perfect unison, including the sergeant.

"Made huh? What are you really?" I asked.

"We are machines, sir. We are made for combat and protection, programmed to obey and serve," the robots replied plainly, making my cock twitch and leak without even touching it.

"But who made you and why?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

All five machines stiffened and looked blank. "Access to classified information denied. XO level unit required," they said robotically before returning to their state and smiling back at me.

"Sarge, is there an XO unit in the camp?"

"Affirmative, Major unit is inside its office. System is paused," the sergeant answered after a few seconds of silence.

"Well, that can wait for later. For now, why don't you bots strip naked and show me what you've got. Better yet, why don't you beat the crap out of each other, and the winner gets the honor of being my second fucktoy for the day," I grinned as I started to slowly stroke my cock.

In record time, they were all butt naked and fighting each other like their mechanical lives depended on it, and, in a way, it was. It was too late for me to remember how literal they can get and pretty soon the field became a robot warzone. The four soldiers, who were probably buddies a few minutes ago, lost no time in executing their combat programs on one another. I could only watch in awe and lust as the robots tore arms or legs off, sometimes punching a hole right through one's torso or ripping the head off another one. All these while buck naked, their erect cocks leaking and spraying their artificial cum at each damage.

The sergeant didn't miss out on the action and jumped into the fray, tearing one unlucky soldier in half in one motion. The robot's top half flailed on the ground, spitting out error messages, while its lower half was spitting its jizz. The more powerful machine wasn't left unscathed, as the other units each tried to break the sergeant's arms or legs. It wasn't long before the area was littered with twitching robot parts. The sergeant unit outlasted them all, even after having all his arms and legs torn off. I flipped it over to its stomach and was soon plowing his ass while he blankly looked at his destroyed soldiers that were, to my surprise, still ejaculating and moaning in monotone until they finally shut down.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Toy Soldiers, Part 1

Living near a facility where young soldiers are being trained definitely has its perks. As long as I keep my distance and be professional, the cadets and their officers don't seem to mind the attention. Some of the previous occupants even loved showing off, that was until they presumably finished their course and got shipped off to their assignments.

The most recent batch of soldiers, however, were a bit odd. They definitely looked young, perhaps fresh out of college. They came in different body types, from lean to toned to buff but none with a muscle or fat out of place. No, it was their attitude that struck me as strange the most. Mind, they weren't rude or arrogant or anything like that. On the contrary, they were quite kind, respectful, and sociable. A few even approached me and struck up some friendly conversation.

Their behavior during training was the most unusual, though. The courses and exercises they went through may have been the most intense and most grueling I've ever seen in the facility as if they were designed to make them fail. And they fail and fall quite a lot. But they simply just get up, dust off their bodies, and laugh and talk it off with their bodies like nothing. Even Jake, the least built one that I quickly became close friends with, seemed to think nothing of the repeated and seemingly painful falls.

One day, however, I caught Jake training on a weekend with just two others. The young man's swimmer build definitely made him stand out as if his young and friendly face weren't enough. He was climbing the rope part of the obstacle course when he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground with a loud thud. His body convulsed on the ground for a few moments before he stiffly stood up, shaking his head left and right. To my surprise, he sharply turned in my direction and started marching towards me. I was frozen in place, not sure whether to run away or run towards the young soldier to check if he was alright.

Before I knew it, however, he was standing right in front of me, his shoulders and head twitching. "Hello, registered fffriiend," he said with a smile. "Good morning hello registered Error in motion sensor damaged," he continued, his voice flatter than normal.

"Are you, are you OK?" I asked nervously, half afraid and half aroused as certain pieces were slowly falling into place.

"I am operational damage, sir yes sir!" Jake smiled but then stiffened and gave me a rather serious-looking salute. "You a are registered friendly ally. I," the soldier said before twitching his head sharply. I heard something like a cracking sound from inside his chest and he started to "breathe" deeply. "I'm hot. You are hot. Sir, yes, sir! Acknowledged."

Jake suddenly walked forward, forcing me to take a few steps back as he sat on a part of the concrete wall I was sitting on earlier. He lifted both legs up and, to my shock, unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, which was already large despite being flaccid.

"Sexual systems activated, Sir captain sir! Course failed at 0815 70% completion. Severe internal damage non-critical fuck me registered friend I am hot. Unable to connect to wireless network please help use me. Unit initiating friend," Jake rambled on and on, his voice fluctuating between his normal boyish charm and a metallic monotone. The most surprising part, however, was when his still soft cock started to drip a creamy white viscous substance, perhaps his equivalent of cum.

Or perhaps I should call Jake "it", given his now obvious nature. Before I could do anything, I heard another cracking sound and saw smoke coming out of Jake's ears. His eyes rolled up into their socket as he pulled his head back sharply. "Y-y-yeessngggh!" he said in a loud metallic voice. Without even looking, he fumbled to unbuckle his belt and quickly pulled down his pants, raising his legs up to expose his fuck hole.

"Sir, please, sir! System error admin privileges granted to registered friend user. Fuck mmmmmeee so hot!" the Jake bot said while looking at the sky, sounding more like the cadet that he was, which contrasted with the blank expression on his face.

I could no longer help myself and, throwing all caution to the wind, pulled out my already stiff cock, and pulled the malfunctioning military machine towards me. I roughly plunged my cock into his soft and warm hole, which seems to have caused sparks and smoke to come out of his open mouth.

As I pummeled the robot's ass, I saw the two other soldiers slip and fall on top of each other hard. Their arms and legs twitched until they were locked into each other and the two struggled to break free. The bigger one successfully did so by ripping off the other's arm, sending a shower of sparks and blue liquid out the torn socket. The bigger robot twitched again and helped the other machine up. To my surprise, the two then started to walk towards me with big grins on their faces and visibly twitching cocks inside their now wet pants. This was definitely going to be an interesting day, I thought to myself, as I continued to fuck the malfunctioning Jake beneath me.

I didn't have to imagine long, though, as the two twitching soldiers finally got within a few meters from us. Part of me was worried about how the larger robots would react when they saw me roughly pummeling Jake on the hard concrete, the teenage-looking cadet smoking and sparking as his lighter frame rocked back and forth. The blank smiles and twitching heads of the buff soldiers, however, reassured me that they were in no condition to be of any harm to me. Plus, the growing cocks in their tight military pants had me too distracted to care.

"Damn boys!" I said breathily as I briefly paused from fucking Jake. "You sure are packing some big guns there." The two robots cocked their heads and alternated between looking at each other and then looking at me with puzzled faces, their heads jerking as they moved.

"Nega-negative. Negative. N-n-no Error System Error override not poss- No weapon detect-dected," the larger of the two soldiers said.

"N-n--n-neg," its partner tried to say before I heard a small bang come from inside its head. Even without the visible smoke, I could smell burning rubber coming from the machine's direction. He started moving his mouth as if he were talking, but no sound came out of it for a few seconds. "Warning. Right arm not detected. Critical system errrrrrr- Negative no firearm detected," the military android finally said, his voice out of sync with his mouth movements.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I resumed fucking Jake-bot beneath me. "You fucking hot machines! You really can take a beating, huh? Why don't you show me how rough sex can be between you robots." I barely finished my suggestion when the bigger soldier immediately lunged at its companion, tackling the other robot to the ground. Despite having a mechanical handicap, the smaller android quickly got free of the other's grasp and pushed the larger robot to the ground face down. The smaller robot's cock suddenly burst from his pants, tearing the fabric like it were paper, and the android pierced his partner's ass with his steel rod but completely missed the hole. Instead, the metal cock seems to have pierced through the robot's ass but also got torn in the process.

Both robots stiffened and spoke several error messages that went over my head. I was surprised and even more aroused when the smaller robot used its remaining arm to grapple the other machine's head and twist it forcefully towards him, nearly tearing it off from the neck. Perhaps it was no longer able to distinguish directions, so the big robot's body started flailing and tried to stand up, taking the smaller bot along with it, but falling over and over again. One such fall, however, ended with it landing backward (or was it forward?), nearly crushing the other machine beneath it.

The smaller bot was already overloading from earlier damages and that last drop seems to have finally done the trick. It stiffened completely for a few seconds and stared blankly forward before the top of its head exploded in a shower of sparks and smoke. The robot pushed its body upward, lifting the larger robot above it, and I could see its twitching and damaged cock leaking and spraying its cum everywhere, including inside the other robot. That seems to have triggered something and the larger soldier's body suddenly stood up quickly, completely tearing off its head. The robot's large body swayed as it walked a few steps before falling down on its knees, its torn neck sparking and smoking as I watched its crotch get wet and finally drip a flood of cum.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I increased the intensity of my humping of Jake's ass. I was on the verge of cumming when I was suddenly broken from my trance by Jake's monotone voice.

"Unit unit Jake ready. Awaiting cum-cum-command."

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Ethan and Kevin, Part 2

It took almost all weekend but it was finally done and totally worth it. It was a race against time not knowing how my bud Kevin and his dad Ethan would last in their state. I had to leave them glitching while hacking into their systems, studying their programs, and modifying them just enough to get me some control without getting into trouble. Just in the nick of time, the two androids announced they were out of power and promptly shut down, severing their connection to my self-built router.

After charging them, which I had to figure out by groping their hot (but literally cold) bodies for their power ports, I booted them up again, being careful to put them immediately into robot mode which then ran my own program that made them obey my commands without question. I told them to walk into Ethan's room and get on the bed. Butt naked, of course.

Upon entering the master bedroom, I chanced upon a half-open closet where, to my shock, I discovered a few faceplates and heads on the shelves. I took one that looked like a middle-aged man's and asked Ethan about it. It simply answered, in an emotionless but still deep and gruff voice, that those were head replacements when he needed to "be" someone else. Curious, I walked over to the older man and placed my hands firmly on each side of his head. Having quickly studied their schematics, I sharply turned Ethan's head to the right side until I heard a clicking sound.

"Error. Error. Abrupt removal of cranial component," Ethan said in a very robotic voice as his body stiffened up. Kevin simply stood beside his "dad", looking blankly ahead and undisturbed while I played around with Ethan's original head. Having had my fun, I took the spare head I found and did the reverse, clicking it into place.

"OK bots, get on your knees and hands behind your backs," I commanded. The two studs moved stiffly to follow my commands, still looking emotionless and lifeless. I can't deny it was turning me on so hard. In contrast, however, the two robot's large cocks were totally flaccid.

"This won't do," I chuckled. "Get hard," I commanded and the cocks immediately sprung to life, standing up full-mast. "Get soft," I said and their artificial penises dropped instantly. "Get hard alternately again and again," I tested. Ethan's cock went rigid while Kevin's remained drooping. After a few seconds, however, their states reversed. I laughed so hard at the show that it took me a few seconds to recompose myself.

"OK, stop," I said, catching my breath. The cocks immediately froze where they were, leaving Kevin's pointing forward on its way up and Ethan's softening down.

I was having too much fun, but it was no time to get to business. "OK, robots, who made you?" I asked, having not found that data anywhere in their files.

The two stiffened up and, for a brief moment, showed some ferocity on their faces. "Information is classified. Data not found in unit's storage," they both said in unison before slumping back to their original positions and blank expressions.

OK, I'll have to figure that one out later. "What is your purpose, then?" another piece of information that I didn't find quickly.

"This unit is designed and programmed to analyze and emulate human behavior without compromising its nature," they said together.

"So basically to learn how to blend with humans? For what purpose?"

The robots stiffened up again and said, "Information is classified. Data not found in unit's storage."

"Oh well, so much for that," I said out loud, shaking my head. It was only a brief distraction because I definitely had other things in mind.

"Hm ... OK, since you both seem to be veeery anatomically correct, are you capable of sex? And if so, with whom?" I finally asked the big question.

"Affirmative. These machines are programmed for multiple sexual orientations and procedures," they answered together.

"Ethan unit configuration is set to bisexual. No current relationship target," the older man answered plainly.

"Kevin unit configuration is set to homosexual. Current relationship target: human Mark," my friend flatly said without batting an eyelash.

I was genuinely surprised at the revelation and couldn't believe my luck. If I understood it correctly, my secret crush also had a crush on me! And even if that were not the case, it would have been easy to get around that since my secret crush is a hot fucking robot.

Unable to restrain my emotions, I grabbed Kevin's head and pressed my mouth onto his, kissing him first before invading his mouth with my tongue.

"Physical stimulus in oral cavity detected. Running sexual protocols," Kevin said in a monotone without breaking our one-sided kiss that I found even hotter, his voice sounding like it was coming from his chest rather than his throat.

I eventually pulled back to catch my brief, realizing that Kevin's face looked entirely blank all that time despite the passionate kissing. Hot!

"Um, by any chance, do you guys, I mean bots, fuck with each other?" I asked, this time a bit embarrassed at the idea.

"Affirmative," came the shocking answer that left my mouth hanging open. "These units regularly practice sexual processes to improve their performance and maintain sexual components' operations."

I almost shouted with glee like a kid on Christmas day. I scored not one but two fucking hot robots on one day, both of which happen to also be the objects, and apparently literal objects, of my jack-off sessions.

"OK bots, I think we're going to have a fun Sunday night. Execute whatever programming you have when fucking each. This time, though, I'll be joining you," I smirked as I quickly got undressed, watching as an emotionless Ethan pushed an equally emotionless Kevin down on the bed, raising the younger robot's legs up in the air and unceremoniously thrusting its artificial cock into Kevin's chute. Ethan fucked Kevin rhythmically and mechanically while I got into position and also shoved my already leaking penis into the "dad's" accommodating hole. I could only think of the possibilities while I alternately fucked the two silent machines until I finally passed out from exhaustion. This, after all, was only the beginning.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ethan and Kevin, Part 1

"Hi Mr. Gray," I shook the hand of a rather buff middle-aged man in front of me.

"Just Ethan, son. I mean Mark, sorry. Kevin has told me so much about you it feels like you're already part of the family," the man said after finally releasing my hand from his firm grasp.

"Has he, now?" I elbowed my new best bud, trying my best to hard my blushing face. Fortunately, it seems that both males were completely oblivious to my predicament.

"Well, as they say, 'mi casa, su casa'. I hope you enjoy your stay. Kevin rarely brings any of his college friends around.

"Not that I have that many. C'mon Dad, let him at least unpack his stuff in peace before you start embarrassing me. And don't you have to be somewhere?" Kevin inquired. Mr. Gray, or Ethan rather, strangely stood still for a moment with a questioning look before enlightenment dawned on his face.

"Oh yeah! That. Activity's been canceled but I do need to take a shower. See you boys at dinner later," the man said after giving his short beard a few rubs.

"I'll be in my room down the hall if you need anything. I'll just set up the vids we can watch later," Kevin waved as he pushed his old man out my door.

With both of them gone, I finally got around to setting up my laptop and my own personal wireless station. The geek in me just wouldn't connect to someone else's Wi-Fi without an added layer of protection, even if it's Kevin's. Besides, it gives me a chance to analyze their home network's security (which is probably nonexistent) and try to spy on what good ol' Kevin has been browsing in his spare time. I heard a loud crash just as I flipped the switch on my router to block and filter out unknown data packets. I rushed out of my room and ran down the hallway and passed by the bathroom door that was left ajar. I peeked inside and had to stop myself from gasping out loud.

There was Ethan, one of two men of my dreams and jack-off sessions, leaning back against the bathroom sink, his arms propping himself up for support. More than that, he was completely naked safe for pure white briefs that could barely contain his flaccid member.

"Mr. Gray, I mean, Ethan, is everything OK?" I asked, half out of fear that I was caught and half out of concern that that man was standing completely still. He didn't seem to respond to my call, staring down at the floor and the bottle of shampoo that must have been the source of the sound earlier. It was as if he was completely frozen, except for his mouth which seemed to be mumbling something.

"Error. Network connection not found. Sending emergency signal. Error. Kevin unit unreachable. Signal failed. Error. Network unavailable. Awaiting instructions. Error ..." Ethan looped in a low monotone voice, his jaw moving up and down without matching the words he was saying. His eyes looked straight down, blank and glassy.

Emboldened, I stepped closer and waved my hand across his unresponsive eyes and then put my ears on his unmoving chest. I could feel and hear the soft humming inside as well as clicking noises each time he repeated the error messages. Mr. Ethan was a robot! More importantly, so was Kevin! And if my wireless contraption caused the older machine to malfunction, I wonder what happened to the other object of my fantasies.

I gave Ethan's rather meaty (and now obviously fake) member one more grope before I reluctantly left the looping robot in the bathroom. It was all I could do to keep myself from stripping the machine and hacking it right then and there. Among other things, of course. My curiosity has definitely gotten the better of me as I sprinted down the hallway to where my best friend said his room was.

Throwing all caution to the wind, I opened the door to the room of the man I have secretly been crushing on for the past months since we befriended each other. Despite already knowing what I may be in for, I was nonetheless still surprised at what I saw.

My best bud was on his bed, still wearing the soccer uniform he had on earlier. He was clearly browsing through the videos he had on his laptop and may have stumbled on a rather steamy one that seemed to arouse something inside him. Or it rather. I wasn't sure whether it was the network or if he was already in the middle of the action when I flipped the switch, but it seems that he got stuck jacking off repeatedly, his face repeatedly switching between looking around and looking blank.

Even from the door, I could hear his voice even if, unlike his "dad", his mouth wasn't moving at all. I walked closer and sat beside him, close enough to hear the audio coming from his chest.

"Activating sexual systems. Error: Network connection lost. Contacting Ethan controller unit. Error: machine not found. Deactivating. Activating sexual systems. Initiating masturbation procedure. No network found. Error," my bud's voice kept saying over and over again in almost perfect sync with his looping movements.

I moved in closer and tried to grab hold of his dick which was dry and hot from the friction of his rapid jerking. I tried to kiss his twitching head but found it nearly impossible to twist it to face me. Unable to hold back any longer, I quickly undid my fly and take out my already leaking cock. I only needed to rub it a few times on his face before I came all over him, covering his face with my cum. Some even dripped into his eye which didn't even generate any reaction from him. He still kept jerking off and twitching his head, "watching" a video that has long since stopped playing.

I gave him a quick peck on the lip, tasting a bit of my own cum that dribbled over it. I sighed and stood up, trying to think of how to shut down the robots and hack into them. And, of course, the dozens of ways we can all have fun.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Fight

The weekend began ordinarily enough. Well, as ordinary as spending the weekend on a private yacht can be. Me, my boyfriend Mark, his co-worker Eric, and Eric's boyfriend Sam rented a yacht to spend the long weekend together away from the city. Mark was insistent we get an early start, something a bit unusual for a late riser like him. I figured he was just excited and didn't want to waste any time.

We even got to the dock before the crack of dawn and Eric and Sam were already there and have already loaded their stuff onto the boat. I saw a strange large metal crate onboard which I guessed contained the boys' toys for the weekend. Eric greeted a visibly excited Mark with a knowing smirk before helping us carry our stuff to the boat. Or rather, Sam carried most of the stuff singlehandedly while the two colleagues chatted away. Other than that, it all began ordinarily enough.

It was already sunrise when we finally got to start chilling out and enjoying the view and the freedom. Since it was just the four of us on the boat, we decided to ditch most of our clothing, leaving just underwear or shorts on, just in case the coast guard passes by. I chuckled to myself at the display of skin and sculpted bodies. With four hot gay men on a private boat away from prying eyes, you can expect some action to happen soon.

"Well, why don't we get started?" Eric asked, breaking the silence. "I can see you're already tenting just from what I described," the man grinned at Mark, who quickly turned red.

"I can't help it! If what you said is true ... You really sure about this?" my lover asked with a bit of worry on his face. That had me worried as well since Mark never mentioned any special plans at all.

"Absolutely!" Eric said in a heartbeat. "What do you think, Sam? Are you sure as well?"

"300% certain," the other man said nonchalantly, his cyan shorts hanging low to put his chiseled abs on display.

"Uh guys, what are you talking about?" I finally asked, half-curious and half-apprehensive at being left out of some plan. It was obvious to me by then that the plan most likely involved me.

"You'll know soon enough," Eric grinned mischievously at me before turning to his lover. "Sam, execute Project Override."

Sam suddenly stood ramrod straight for a few seconds before responding. "Command acknowledged. Executing. Target: Jason," the man said in a flat voice then turned to me with a blank expression on his face.

Before I could even react, Sam was already right in front of me and grabbed my neck. He held it firmly enough to keep his hand in place but not too tight to crush it or even choke me.

"What the fuck man! This isn't a funny joke. Sam, please get your hand off me," I said while trying to pull his hand away. It was surprisingly strong and rigid and would not budge.

"Unable to comply. Voice pattern not recognized as admin user," Sam just said in his flat voice again.

"Uh, Mark? What's going on?" I glanced at my boyfriend with my eyes, unable to turn my head in his direction. I was surprised to see my lover rubbing his growing cock through his Speedos.

"Just making our lives more interesting. Or at least my life, I hope," Mark said while licking his lips.

"Starting infiltration program," Sam suddenly said, snapping my attention back to the man holding my neck in one hand.

"Wha-" before I could finish my question, I registered an electric tingling on Sam's fingers. And before I could even react, Sam pressed harder, his fingers touching my spine at the base of my head.

"No, I- Warning. Receiving insecure data stream. Warning. Unauthorized direct memory access detected," I reported, my voice instantly changing to a monotone. I looked straight ahead at Sam's eyes which then flashed a series of invisible infrared signals that my optical systems immediately interpreted before my security programs could filter the data. The flood of data flowing from Sam's fingertips into my spinal data cable and the flood of error messages filling my HUD triggered my warning systems.

"Data ... data overflow. Warning: security breach. This unit is being hacked. Warning: security overflow," I informed no one in particular as my body remained frozen in place, my face passive and directed at the other robot in front of me.

"Fuck! You were right!" I heard the human Mark, designated as this unit's partner, say off the side. "Jason's an android just like Sam!" Mark rushed over and was already putting his hand all over my inert frame.

"Easy there, tiger," Eric said, pulling back his friend. "We don't have admin privileges yet. Let Sam finish its job."

"Acknowledged. Bypassing security subsystem. Attempting to gain superuser mode," Sam said flatly.

"I- uh- Warning: Unauthorized accesssssss. Access granted. Entering programming mode," I reported then waited for further commands.

"Edit relations database. Access records for human ‘Mark'. Set relationship to ‘owner', ‘Master', and ‘lover'. Grant full administrator privileges. Unit report compliance," Sam said in rapid succession as the same electrical instructions flowed from his digits and directly into my CPU, rewriting my data files.

"Acknowledged. Database edited. Master Mark granted full access to this machine," I reported.

"Shit! I don't think I can hold much longer man!" Mark moaned as my peripheral vision detected he was already jacking off beside Eric who was doing the same.

"But we haven't gotten yet to *that* part," Eric said. "As I told you, these robots are hardwired for that kind of stuff. Sam, execute Project Rock ‘em Sock ‘em."

"Acknowledged. Sending program," Sam said without loosening its hold on my neck.

"New data stream detect- Warning: New program d- Installing ... Warrior program successfully install-" before I could finish my report, Sam shoved me down the deck. I fell flat on the wooden floor but quickly got up and faced my opponent.

Soon I was wrestling and trading blows with the other robot, each hit registering as pleasure data causing both our cocks to harden and poke out of our underwear. Unit Sam and this unit wrestled and groped each other for dominance, our artificial skins torn in places and our bodies limbs erratically twitching at the increasing damage. I registered that unit owner Mark and Sam unit's owner Eric were giving each other a hand job while passionately kissing each other and watching the robot match.

Sam grabbed hold of my neck again and I detected a new data transfer. "Warn-warning. Buffer oveerllload Error in ... Unit unable to ..." I reported as error messages filled up my view, the excessive data overriding my RAM faster than my CPU can delete them. "I ... unit can't ..." My hand trembling, I formed a fist and punch straight into Sam's perfect abs, blowing a hole into its systems.

"Warning! Frame integrity breach! Warn.. bzzt internal damage det ugh unit Error systems fail..." Sam said, its face passive contrasting with the severe damage the machine received. I jerked my hand out, pulling some wires and cables along with it. Smoke and sparks came out from the gaping hole in the robot's wrecked abdomen.

"Warning! Syzzztem overl-overload? Malfunction in subsystems ... Ejaculating," Sam's body stiffened as his cock spurted white substance, the force of the ejaculation hitting my own toned frame. The robot jerked and twitched while spitting out sparks and cum but then its grasp on my neck tightened, crushing it. Sam suddenly snapped my neck to the side, half tearing it off and exposing the broken wires and circuits.

My CPU lost control of half of my body as I fell on the floor, twitching while my head passively laid on the floor, connected to the rest of my body with only a few cables. Without any guiding programs, my cock jerked and sprayed synthetic jizz all over my body and my face, the liquid sizzling as it came in contact with exposed wires and circuity, causing my neck to spark and smoke.

My optics saw Eric walk over to Sam, which was also on the floor twitching and reporting error messages. The robot's human lover moaned loudly and came over it, spraying his cum over and into Sam's stomach hole. My vision was then blocked by what I registered to be Mark's semen as my boyfriend and now human owner also climaxed over my blank face, the fluid covering my unblinking eyes.

"Fuck! That was fucking hot!" my audio receptors registered Mark's voice, the audio quality starting to get garbled and corrupted as my systems failed one by one. "You sure they're going to be fine?"

"Dude I told you I've done this with Sam so many times," the other human's voice reassured my master. "That's what the spare parts in the crate are for. I'll get them repaired in no time. This is going to be a very fun long weeke-"

Error. Critical system failure. Unit shutdow-

Monday, June 13, 2022


I opened my eyes and immediately saw my opponent running towards me. I had very little time to size him up. Same height, same build, same musculature. A spectator would presume he is my twin and he would be partially correct. Before I could complete my assessment of my opponent, however, I was already on my back against the carefully manicured lawn. The impact made me shudder but also started a process that had my cock slowly stiffening beneath my shorts.

I struggled to free my wrists from his vice-like grip with little success. After quickly running through my options, I launched my legs into the air, hitting his head hard enough to loosen his grip. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I rolled over and reversed our positions, pulling my hands away and then quickly pinning his wrist down as he did mine earlier. I stared down at my double, now splayed down on the grass. He looked back at me with a blank and unconcerned expression even has I put enough force to crush his wrist. From the reflection in his eyes, I could see myself looking down at him with the same unemotional face.

Spending too many milliseconds observing my doppelganger, I failed to anticipate he would use the exact same move on me. But unlike my earlier maneuver, his shin landed hard on my head, disorienting me and causing me to completely lose my hold. I fell to the ground and struggled to get up repeatedly. From my peripheral vision, I could see my opponent repeating the same kicking move twice before finally getting up. Perhaps my earlier attack also had some impact on his cranium, though not enough to put him out of commission.

Still unable to get my bearings, my identical twin quickly got to my side and pulled up my still wobbling body. He then launched a volley of hard punches that seemed to target specific areas, causing damages that caused system errors without completely destroying them. I stepped back to evade the last blow, almost toppling backward if not for a steady left leg. I started swiping forward to return the attack. After a few seconds of my fists not connecting with anything solid, I tried to correct my vision and saw that my target had moved to the side. Without breaking my momentum, I lunged to the left and hit his sternum so hard that I heard the sound of denting metal as he staggered backward.

I reached out and pulled him toward me before he could fall and locked my arm around his neck in a chokehold. He then wrapped his arms around my torso and dug his nails deep until they tore through the skin and into the seams in my abdominal panel. His fingers made contact with the circuits and wiring, shorting them out briefly. I tried to wrench one of his hands off my body while I pressed my finger hard on the back of his neck, crushing a small motor inside that caused him to stiffen and twitch a bit. As our bodies gyrated against each other, the mix of damages and physical stimulation activated both our sexual subsystems, causing our cocks to similarly grind against each other. The loop of sensory data and errors fed into our pleasure programs, causing both of us to glitch between destroying one another and making out.

The moment our tongues touched, the sensory overload overpowered the earlier programmed combat simulation, kicking our sex drives into full gear. We invaded each other's mouths as our fingers continued digging deeper and pulling out wires and pressing on boards, sending electrical waves that made our bodies and hardened cocks twitch. Our hands eventually let go and started tearing at our clothes like they were pieces of paper until we were fully naked. We continued our torrid kiss while the torrent of error messages and sensor data caused a buffer overflow that caused even our sexual components to malfunction. Our cocks raised and lowered erratically as our twitching frames staggered slowly to the nearby poolside, our heads never losing our connection.

We nearly fell into the pool but managed to keep upright. The moment our cocks came in contact with each other, however, the NFC chip initiated the wireless data connection, immediately causing a feedback loop that totally overloaded both our systems. We held each other closer as our bodies physically rocked from a cascade of errors, humping each other's artificial cocks until flesh gave way to metal and metal tore into metal, increasing the damage that was already causing a critical system error.

Our sexual simulation finally kicked in belatedly, making us emit moaning sounds even while our faces remained blank and passive, looking at each other while our internal components started sparking and frying inside. With one last metallic moan, I heard an electrical explosion from inside the chest of my "twin" at the same time that his damaged cock exploded with jizz. The recording lights behind his optical components soon died as smoke came out from the hole in his head that I made earlier. With no command to stop from our owner, I continued humping my broken double until the pressure in my cum tanks reached critical levels. Unable to release the pressure from my damaged rod, the tanks exploded inside, spraying my internals with synthetic cum and causing sensitive circuits to warning short error in internal systems and burn. Critical system damage my cum tank continue to generate warning total system failure flooding my systems with liquid ingress detected flowing back up my body sexual subsystem signal lost unable to halt continued fucking my robot twin until error error system malfunction applause from the audience CPU critical water damage signal lost unit unable to-

Sunday, June 12, 2022


Not sure what happened but I'm not really going to complain. When you play with guns, someone's going to get hit eventually. Fortunately, the two men playing cowboys aren't even alive technically but they were pretty convincing in the way they talked and stared each other down was pretty darn convincing. At least until one of them actually started to draw his gun.

Whether one was really programmed to be faster or it was just down to some random number, I don't know. All I know is that he had fired a shot before the other couldn't even get his gun out. The other staggered back after getting hit in the chest but his look of sudden shock turned to one of lustful pleasure as he started moaning and undoing his pants. Needless to say, it was definitely not what I expected.

It didn't take long for the fake cowboy to be free of his jeans, revealing his large throbbing cock. He twitched and sparked while he moaned, grabbing his cock and pumping it. He suddenly turned to his side and started humping a table beside him, spewing his cock all over the wooden surface. He didn't stop after the first volley and continued his cycle of twitching, sparking, and cumming until smoke came out of the bullet hole in his chest, his mouth, and his ear. In a few seconds, the robot whirred down, with that erotic look of ecstasy frozen on its face.

It was definitely out of character but, like I said, not really complaining. I adjust my hardening cock under my pants as I grabbed the shutdown android's gun and pointed it at the other cowboy that was just standing there with a smirk on his face and hands in his pocket, ready to enjoy the same fate as its robot brother.

Secret Weapons

The team celebrated another victory in our usual way. At our command, our two best players got down on their knees and started going down on the football team's cocks. We took turns ramming our hard sticks into their throats, sometimes into their asses. The silent football players don't mind. Technically, they don't have minds at all, just chips and circuits that process the game data and formulate a winning play.

Yes, our two best players are the latest in sports technology innovation, human-looking androids in the form of college football players. Is it cheating? Probably. But it's a dirty little secret among colleges these days as robotics companies try to "hire" schools to test their products. Of course, they know that the robots are also put to other uses after a game and they don't mind. After all, they also sideline in the sex and porn industries, too.

As for playing fair, what our next opponents don't realize is that I know that they actually have no humans on their team. Our team is staying silent about it because of our master plan. Use my hacking skills to figuratively crush them on the field and then literally crush them in the locker room. It turns out, these bots are made to take a beating and all it takes is a little software switch to turn them on even when they're getting wrecked. College football has never been this fun!


I grabbed him by the neck and pushed his head down on my cock, stretching his mouth to its limits. Some call it a gift but having a large cock can also be a curse. Few guys are able to take it without complaining or without me worrying about doing some permanent damage.

And right on cue, I heard some wire snapping and plastic cracking as I roughly fucked its expressionless face. Soon enough, his jaw hung slack, detached from its hinges. I wasn't worried, it could easily be repaired or replaced later. It's what made the sex even hotter, not having to worry about hurting its feelings or hurting it at all from whichever end I rammed my large cock into it. The humanoid machine was built for rough use and rough is how I play.

The thought finally sent me over the edge as I shoved my dick one last time into its tight throat. I came so much that some of it dripped out from its damaged lower jaw. It held steady and expressionless, just as I programmed it to during sex. After wiping my cock on his blank face, I gave the robot a quick kiss on the lips, tasting my own cum. I then directed it to go to the garage and get naked for repairs. Or maybe for a rough fucking. I'll have to repair it sooner or later, maybe a lot later.

No Dogs Allowed

I was running silently with my buddy, enjoying the view of his muscles contracting and relaxing with each step. It helped that he had no shirt on, displaying his perfect body and serving both as my inspiration to get into shape and my motivation for what we'll do when we get home.

All of a sudden, however, he turned sharply to the right in the direction of a fence. At first, I thought he wanted to take a break and then remembered he didn't need to. When he got to the fence, though, he went down on all fours but raised a leg up. He then faced me with his tongue out, panting like a dog. Right underneath the sign "No Dogs Allowed".

I literally facepalmed and laughed as I fished my phone out of my armband. I swiped and tapped furiously before any passersby saw us. My buddy quickly got up again and stood ramrod straight, staring blankly ahead while I finished typing on my phone. That will teach me never to forget to disable the "naughty pup" program after running it on my android buddy the night before.

Mobile Fridge

I threw my backpack into a corner upon entering my room. I was dead tired from all of the day's classes and the thought of chugging a can or two of beer perked me up a bit. That's when I looked across the room to my bed to see the large man lying on it in nothing but his shorts, showing off his large but very firm pot belly. It's not my personal taste, admittedly, but my choice was more functional rather than aesthetic.

I walked over to the inert figure, keyring in hand. I instinctively took one in my hand and plunged it into the man's belly button. I gave it a twist and after a soft his, the man's rotund stomach flipped open like a refrigerator door. It was, after all, really a refrigerator door.

I took out a can of beer and opened it, downing my first in just a few minutes. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I reached for another one. This time, I took my time drinking it while curiously watching all the LEDs and spinning motors and fans inside the robot. I felt my cock twitch inside my pants while marveling at his wonder of technology. I would have blamed the beer but that would be a big fat lie.

Without closing the fridge door, I straddle the large android's chest. I took one of its hands and made it hold my can. Fishing out my hardening cock from my pants, I lifted the robot's inactive head with both hands and shoved my cock inside its mouth. I lost track of time as I fucked the machine's life-like face, groaning and moaning out loud. If finally came, first inside its mouth then all over its face.

Recomposing myself after a few minutes, I got off the man's body and took back my beer, taking a quick drink before finally closing the fridge door that was his stomach. Still holding the same key, I plunged it inside the right ear and gave it a twist. The man's body shuddered to life and he quickly opened his eyes. Some of my cum drooled over them but didn't blink much less react.

"Greetings, sir. How may I serve you today?" he said in a deep but flat voice, some of my jizz spurting and drooling out of his mouth as he talked.

"Time to cook dinner," I simply answered after taking another chug from the can.

"Acknowledged, sir," he responded before stiffly standing up and proceeding to walk out of my room.

"Oh clean yourself up first!" I chuckled as my leftover cum started rolling down his face.

The large machine stood still for a few seconds while I heard its disks spin. "Acknowledged, sir," it finally replied before walking out of the room.


Although human athletes still dominate purer forms of sports, some audiences have taken a liking to some sports that have started utilizing androids not just for crews but also for players. To some extent, it takes extreme sports to the extreme given how these machines can take a beating more than any human could and can easily be repaired or replaced.

That said, some team owners have tried to take the easy way out and buy cheap, second-hand robots to fill their roster. Some easily turn a blind eye to where these machines come from or how they were acquired. It's often too late, then, when severe internal damages activate the android's buried but not erased sexbot programming and it starts humping in the field.

Naturally, it was scandalous news for quite a while but it also gave birth to a more private form of entertainment that actually made use of repurposed pleasure droids. While these games still had semblance to their original sports, the goals have changed to inflict as much "accidental" damage in the process until the court or the field ends up being a mass of machines fucking each other up.


Our small company was run like a tight family. No, "family" is probably not the best way to describe it considering how we often fucked and sucked each other over the weekends. It's more like a professional fraternity that happened to have gay men as members. It wasn't really a job requirement but our HR guy happens to have a knack for sniffing out gay hires. And, of course, we always welcome new members of the team in a special way, a way that seems to endear them to the company even more. So, yes, maybe a gay fraternity is how we can best describe it.

Considering the good it seems to do for the company and employee relationships, far be it for us to make an exception for our new hire. In fact, it's almost imperative that we actually do it even more. After all, he isn't technically a new hire, more like a new purchase. It was definitely expensive but our investment in a new office android feels like it's already paying off. Or at least that seems to be the general impression seeing all the big smiles and hard cocks while we tested the machine's "extra functions." We just need to set up rules and schedules on when to use the robot, especially during the day. After all, we're not some sex-crazed, irresponsible college frat boys anymore.

Occupational Hazard

I heard a loud spark and an explosion from inside the shower stall and quickly rushed inside to find one of my fellow lifeguards under one of the showers. That wouldn't be a problem in itself except for the fact that his back was smoking where the water hit it. I quickly turned off the shower, careful not to touch him. Only after the smoke cleared did I see that his back was torn off, exposing the electronics that were now completely fried from water damage. While lifeguards are waterproof in order to perform their functions, their insides aren't, especially when exposed like this.

The trail of cum from its mouth and on his abs suggested the robot was used for unofficial purposes. Whoever did so perhaps tried to destroy the android from the inside to erase evidence, which was a pointless attempt. I stepped back and stood rigid while I accessed the main server's logs for this unit's last activities. The good news was that it wasn't a human that did this, which would have entailed a lot of legal work. The bad news, it was another lifeguard that performed the act, with records indicating some unidentified bug or malware causing it to behave erratically.

I was about to file the incident report when I was forcefully shoved forward, my head bashing against the wet wall and cracking the tile beneath. Before I could turn around to face my attacker, my swimming shorts got pulled down and what I presumed was a cocked shoved into my hole.

"Data connection established," I said in a monotone along with my attacker. He fucked me vigorously while flooding my data port with garbage data to cause an overflow. I quickly fired off an emergency note before-

"System overload. Ejaculating Error overejaculating overload error over-"

Saturday, June 11, 2022


The pilot broadcast was a huge success! More than just the extreme football teams, the sportscaster received extremely positive ratings from viewers. It wasn't really that hard to see why. He was lively, knew his shit, and stayed on top of things all the time. It also helped that he was charming and had the unmistakable body of an athlete hinted at by his tight uniform. He enthusiastically shook the hands of the rest of the crew as they departed for an after-show party. I stayed behind, primarily to put away the equipment but also because I had other plans tonight.

Once everyone had left, I locked the door of the studio's control room and spun around to see our newest star standing in the middle of the room, legs wide apart and just staring off into nowhere. I walked up close and slid my hand into his compression shirt up to his nipple and twisted his piercing there. I heard the sounds of hard drives and fans spinning down inside him as his eyes literally lost their light while his systems shut down.

I pressed my body against him, feeling its still warm frame, and planted a soft kiss on his lips. The mic got in the way so I took his headset off and unplugged it from the port on his back. I finally took off that shirt and stood back a bit, marveling at my company's newest product. I touched his body all over, groping even his cock through his compression shorts. Not once did the machine move or even react. After all, it was powered down.

Finally ready for the main event, I put the headset back on his ears and plugged it in again. I flicked his nipple piercing again and heard the motors whir back to life. He smiled blankly at me but otherwise remained in the exact same position.

"Code 0902. Replay recent broadcast," I said while I continued feeling the robot's body.

"Acknowledged," it said flatly before his face returned to its more lively expression at the start of the game. "Goooooood evening, fans!" He started shouting, exactly like how he started off the game a few hours earlier. Other than his mouth, however, the android broadcaster remained still. Even with his more emotional voice, his expression remained blank and lifeless, exactly like how I programmed it.

I then shoved the robot onto an empty desk and raised its legs up in the air. I didn't bother fully taking off its shorts or my pants. Fishing out my already rigid cock from my fly, I started to vigorously fuck the commentator while it continued repeating the recording of the earlier broadcast, all with a lively voice and a blank face. It didn't take long for me to fill its ass with my cum, panting heavily while I flicked the switch to shut it down again. God, I love our new machines!

Afternoon Delight

I was like a kid waiting for the ice cream man's arrival every Saturday, and I meant that very literally. The neighborhood's very friendly ice cream seller would pass by six times a week, Monday to Saturday, and my house at the far and somewhat secluded end of the street would always be the last one he goes to on Saturdays. Getting off his truck, we would always be shirtless, exposing his sculpted torso that would melt any frozen delight. He'd also strike a bodybuilder pose, pausing in place until I nod to signal him to come inside for my weekly dose of fuck. It's not like he has much of a choice about this odd routine. It's what I had programmed him to do after I did a little bit of hacking.

It was completely by accident when I discovered what the beautiful ice cream man really was. He was at the end of his round that weekend, parked near my house. Even before then, I would wait for this wonderful sight and have studied his patterns. Which is why I found it odd that he'd be parked for hours on the same spot, without even getting out.

Like a curious cat, I went out and walked to his truck and saw him rocking back and forth on the driver's seat. I was almost ready to call emergency services when I realized he was mumbling error messages like a robot. That's when I saw a disconnected cable that went from his back to the USB port of the vehicle, or at least that's where it was supposed to be. Given my fetish and my job as a robotics engineer, it didn't take much for me to put two and two together. Nor did it take long for me to get into the robot's programs and add my own. Whoever owns the machine most likely already knows the sex functions I added but probably didn't mind. After all, I fixed his or her buggy programs to make sure the ice cream android doesn't get compromised that trivial way again.

Role Model

"That's a wrap!" the photographer shouted after taking the last shot. He quickly packed up and left without a word for his next big gig. These big-shot photographers often put on airs. No socializing, not even talking to their model outside of giving instructions on how to pose. Fine by me. At least they were professional enough not to put their hands on the merchandise.

That left the rest of the crew to scurry around to disassemble and pack up the rest of the equipment. Actually, just one man, since the other "important" crew members already picked up their own belongings to run after the popular photographer.

I smiled at him. He was the nicest of the lot. He may not be a photographer or an artist but he handled with care like tools of his craft. All except but one piece of equipment. After he had packed all of the other stuff, he finally stood in front of me. I stayed still on my seat and looked blankly as he touched my body all over, groping my cock underneath the white briefs I was modeling and fishing it out to pump it to hardness.

"You know the drill," he said. "Activate program alpha dash zero six nine."

I sat up straight and said in a different and flatter voice than my normal, "Command received. Starting sex program. Initiating fellatio function." I opened my mouth as the man immediately rammed his thick cock into it. He pressed my face into his groin to push his penis deeper into my throat. I didn't gag nor gasp for air. I am just a modeling robot, a machine programmed to be used on and off the set.

Frat Takeover

I entered the room grinning like a mad scientist. To some extent, I guess I am one. I looked at the immobile jocks scattered on the chairs and the floor in an assortment of unnatural positions and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for them. After all, they couldn't help but act like stereotypical frat bros, but therein also laid the problem. They were too stereotypical, like right off some B-rated movie.

I told myself I was doing the school a favor but, in all honesty, I was really doing it for myself. Finally tired of their behavior around people they considered beneath them, I took it upon myself to teach them a lesson. Little did I know I would do it almost literally. It was definitely only accidental that, in my weeks of monitoring and spying on them that I would discover these young men were literally programmed to act the way they did.

Yes, the hot young men of Alpha Beta Charlie are programmed to act like jerks but not because they were hypnotized or mind-controlled. They didn't have minds, to begin with, at least not like mine or yours (presumably). They were, in fact, nothing more than highly sophisticated machines with a sufficient level of AI to fool people, including me. It was a discovery that triggered many a jack-off session while I planned and programmed my attack.

Fast-forward a few weeks, the entire frat is now under my control and programming. I'd have to admit, seeing them twitch and malfunction as I simultaneously overloaded and overpowered their systems was such a huge turn-on that it took all of my willpower not to cream my pants right then and there. Good things lie for those who wait or something like that.

I walked around the room almost literally drooling at the robot bodies in awkward and almost impossible poses. I chuckled as some of them even triggered their sexual subsystems as they shut down from critical system errors. That's a function that I'm going to use a lot, in private, of course. To the rest of the world, these jocks will simply be a little bit nicer and less belligerent. In their frat house where I'll be moving to, they'll, of course, be my personal robot harem.

Gym Bug

Going early to the gym has its benefits, like having the whole place to yourself and not being distracted by the hot and sweating bodies that usually fill the place during the day. Having a new gym open up just a block away is almost a stroke of luck but little did I know how lucky I was.

The staff was friendly, though almost overbearingly nice and accommodating. I didn't mind, especially seeing as how the guys on the crew were total hunks, including the receptionist. After a few days of coming in extremely early, they said they'd let me use the gym even half an hour before opening hours as long as I didn't spread the word. They knew I liked my privacy and it was during that time that their trainers used the gym for themselves.

That was what I thought Ben was doing when I came upon him sprawled on an exercise mat. Except his eyes were closed and he was completely still. Well, not completely because when I got closer, I noticed he was moving his hips up and down slightly as if he were humping the mat. To my confusion, I could also see wetness forming on the mat, right beneath his pelvis. At least he seemed to be alive.

"Ben?" I cautiously asked. No response. I went closer to try to shake him out of it when I noticed his phone's screen was blinking just a few inches away. I took a peek and saw the words "Robot Number: BEN-002" on it and a "Status" area that switched between "Training" and "Sex" rapidly.

"What the fuck?" I asked out loud in surprise. I heard a movement from behind me and turned around to see Jake approaching, wearing that big, charming smile he always gives customers.

"Sorry about that," he said without missing a beat as he picked up Ben's phone. After tapping a few times, Ben not only stopped fucking the mattress, he also quickly got up and stood at attention, facing forward blankly and revealing his soaked compression pants. "We're still ironing out the bugs in our software," Jake added, smiling again at me.

"Wow! I can't believe Ben's an android. Then again, he was too perfect to be human," I snickered before realizing what Jake said. "Wait, ‘our software'? Does that mean you're a robot, too?"

"We're all machines here," the staff member replied like it was the most normal thing in the world. "We are made and programmed to assist our customers to achieve their peak performance and capabilities," Jake said with a smile as if he, or it, was trying to advertise the gym.

"And that includes sex?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes, healthy sexual activity is also part of maintaining a well-balanced physiological state," Jake said in a really obvious marketing tone.

"Well, then, can I use Ben since, um, it's a machine and I am allowed access to the gym's machines, right?" I nervously asked.

"Sure," Jake said plainly as he tapped again on the phone. Ben started robotically walking to the gym's back rooms. "Please feel free to use our facility and its equipment. Standard safety and use conditions apply."

"Can I use you, too?", I asked while boldly groping the larger man's crotch.

The robot suddenly stood straight and lost its smile. "This unit is currently unavailable for use. Please try again after operating hours," Jake said in a flat tone.

"You bet I will," I grinned as I started walking to the back. Yes, being early definitely has its benefits.