Tuesday, May 31, 2022


"Hello, sir! What seems to be the emergency? Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is here to save the day!" the superhero cheerfully said, his arms on his hips and his legs wide apart, showing off every inch of his toned body accentuated by the tight-fitting suit.

"No emergency really, Peter," I licked my lips. "I just wanted to do a test run before I hand you over to the guys."

"Hand me over to... Wait did you just call me by name? Shit! I shouldn't have said that. Who are you and how did you know my name?" Spider-Man said as he backed off to a corner of the room but was blocked by the couch and lampstand there.

"Relax, Parker. Don't blow a fuse," I smirked as I stepped closer to the young stud.

"Don't blow .... Hey, who told you my super-secret identity? Did Mr. J.J. put you up to this?" Peter continued his barrage of questions as his voice croaked in fear. I could see him visibly trembling while standing still in the corner of the room.

"No one put me up to this. Wait, why are you getting hard?" I asked, sincerely concerned as I closed the gap between us.

"I ... huh? I don't know. Who told you my? What's your emergency sir? Your friendly erection is here. What's happening to my name?" Spider-Man rambled incoherently, his body shaking while his head hung down swinging from side to side. His large cock was also very visibly throbbing hard underneath the thing material that was his suit.

"Hmm, this is odd. But also surprisingly arousing," I said out loud to myself as I ran my hands all over the twitching superhero's body, feeling every strong muscle contract and relax rapidly. All throughout, Spider-Man stood completely frozen in place save for the trembling, doing nothing to stop my hands.

I groped his hard member and Spider-Man threw his head back while emitting a metallic guttural groan. His whole body was frozen in place and I felt it getting too hot to touch. I sighed and just said "End simulation. Emergency shutdown."

"Yes, sirrrrrrr," Spider-Man monotoned before he collapsed and fell backward, his body hanging over the couch's arm, his own arms locked in mid-air. I sighed again and walked over to the fallen hero. I began to roughly strip off his tight costume and then started to strip him into pieces. There are definitely still a lot of bugs to iron out as I can't have the robot sporting an erection even before the fun has started.

I paused to look at some of the already detached parts of Spider-Man and said to the offline android, "You've been a naughty hero though. Maybe I should first teach you a lesson and test you out thoroughly." I snickered at my corny joke as I started to also get naked and let my own erection out of my pants. Good thing the guys' party isn't in a few days.

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