Monday, May 30, 2022

Skater Boy

I saw my neighbor try to do what I think they called an “Ollie North” but ended up crashing hard to the ground and landing on his skateboard. Seeing no one around to help, I quickly rushed to the young man who was still sitting on the ground shaking his head. When I reached him, however, I was shocked to see he had his rather large cock out. Even more bewildering, his cock went from flaccid to ramrod straight and back again repeatedly without him even touching it.

“Hey, are you alright?” I asked half-worried and half-aroused.

“I’m inertial measurement unit dislodged cool, man. Great trick deploying interface rod retracting, trick huh huh?” he looked up at me with that smile that always tugged at my heart. This time, though, his head twitched from side to side in sync with his bobbing penis.

It finally dawned on me that my neighbor is a robot! That explained why he never seemed to go to college, always lived alone, and was a perfect specimen of a twink. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, that triggered my deepest fantasies even more.

“Why don’t we get you home to see what we can do about those errors,” I said as I pulled him up from the ground with surprisingly little effort. He continued to jerk slightly and his cock started to leak some clear viscous fluid. “And then maybe we can do something about that other problem of yours,” I smirked giving the throbbing penis a tug.

“Affirmative. Fuck yeah sir! Sexual systems deactivated activated,” he said in a mix of monotone and his usual skater boy voice as he reached around and groped my own cock through my jeans. I better hurry inside before someone sees us and tries to steal my new toy.

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