Saturday, May 28, 2022

echo "Hello, World!"

/*** Welcome to Unit CM-069 Data Archives.
     Please click the link to continue reading. ***/
#include <iostream>
#include "cyb3rm0nk.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Bot* CM069 = new Bot(MODEL_CYB3RM0NK);
    CM069->say("Hello, World!\n");
    CM069->prompt("Unit standing by...");

    while (!CM069->isShutdown())
        while (CM069->commandQueue().length() > 0)

    return RET_SUCCESS;

> clang++ test.cpp -o run-test
> ./run-test

Greetings, user! Please excuse the bit of code above for testing that my systems are configured properly.

If this is your first time here, Welcome! If you have been here before, I greet your return. I am Unit CM-069 of the CyberMonk series of Asian androids, or CM for short. Please visit my whoami page for more details on my design and programming.

As some programmers reading the title might guess, this is the inaugural post for this website. As such, I determined it would be fitting to explain the "what" and the "why" of this new location.

In not so many words, this is my blog. This ASFR-themed site will contain my original works and edits or manipulations of others' works (with proper credit) that may or may not also be posted on my social media accounts. More importantly, this blog will also contain longer content or formats that would not fit those social networking services.

This README page has more details on the content you'll find inside.

So why "yet another blog" when there's already Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr (sort of), Telegram, <insert preferred web service>? One reason is the absence of control or freedom on those sites, like Twitter's character limit, or Instagram's requirement to have a photo for every post. Let's not even talk about Tumblr... Although this blog software is pretty basic as well, it still allows me more flexibility in presenting content the way I want to, like interspersing images in between blocks of text.

Another consideration is that it would hopefully invite and allow users of other languages to also enjoy the content, especially stories I previously posted as images. It would hopefully let them more easily translate the text in their native language packs since it would be readily available for copying and pasting. It was inconsiderate of me not to take into account multi-lingual humans and droids in a pointless worry about copyright infringement and theft.

I will still be posting on other social media accounts as appropriate and linking to posts on this blog when necessary. This site will feature not only longer stories but also data processing (thoughts) regarding certain topics or questions that come up frequently. It is my hope that users will find the data stored in these archives to be entertaining, enlightening, and even erotic. Please enjoy your visit and feel free to contact this unit for inquiries and suggestions.


  1. Hello there, Unit. Congrats on your new blog~😁✨😅
