Monday, May 30, 2022

Bathroom Etiquette

“Hank!” I called out to my better half, wondering what was taking him so long to finish showering. I knew he was quite meticulous about his cleanliness but even this was out of the ordinary. My heart started beating faster when I knocked on the bathroom door and didn’t get a response. In fact, I didn’t even hear a single sound coming from inside.

I hurriedly unlocked the door and found Hank on the floor, his butt up in the air and its hole pointing right at me. He had one hand reaching for the base of his cock while the other was planted firmly on the bathroom floor for support. His face was seemingly frozen in shock, mouth hanging open.

I stepped closer and nudged him without any response. I did, however, hear the almost silent humming of hard drives spinning endlessly. Now it finally made sense. Hank boasted of learning something new to surprise me. “I told you not to download random programs into your system,” I said to the frozen machine that was most likely caught in a loop.

“Let’s get you rebooted so we can finally be on our way,” I said to no one in particular before stopping midway from pulling him up. “On second thought, since you took the effort to install a new mode for me, might as well make use of it,” I smirked as I unzipped my pants and plunged my already hard member into the robot’s inviting rear port.

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