Tuesday, May 31, 2022


"Hello, sir! What seems to be the emergency? Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is here to save the day!" the superhero cheerfully said, his arms on his hips and his legs wide apart, showing off every inch of his toned body accentuated by the tight-fitting suit.

"No emergency really, Peter," I licked my lips. "I just wanted to do a test run before I hand you over to the guys."

"Hand me over to... Wait did you just call me by name? Shit! I shouldn't have said that. Who are you and how did you know my name?" Spider-Man said as he backed off to a corner of the room but was blocked by the couch and lampstand there.

"Relax, Parker. Don't blow a fuse," I smirked as I stepped closer to the young stud.

"Don't blow .... Hey, who told you my super-secret identity? Did Mr. J.J. put you up to this?" Peter continued his barrage of questions as his voice croaked in fear. I could see him visibly trembling while standing still in the corner of the room.

"No one put me up to this. Wait, why are you getting hard?" I asked, sincerely concerned as I closed the gap between us.

"I ... huh? I don't know. Who told you my? What's your emergency sir? Your friendly erection is here. What's happening to my name?" Spider-Man rambled incoherently, his body shaking while his head hung down swinging from side to side. His large cock was also very visibly throbbing hard underneath the thing material that was his suit.

"Hmm, this is odd. But also surprisingly arousing," I said out loud to myself as I ran my hands all over the twitching superhero's body, feeling every strong muscle contract and relax rapidly. All throughout, Spider-Man stood completely frozen in place save for the trembling, doing nothing to stop my hands.

I groped his hard member and Spider-Man threw his head back while emitting a metallic guttural groan. His whole body was frozen in place and I felt it getting too hot to touch. I sighed and just said "End simulation. Emergency shutdown."

"Yes, sirrrrrrr," Spider-Man monotoned before he collapsed and fell backward, his body hanging over the couch's arm, his own arms locked in mid-air. I sighed again and walked over to the fallen hero. I began to roughly strip off his tight costume and then started to strip him into pieces. There are definitely still a lot of bugs to iron out as I can't have the robot sporting an erection even before the fun has started.

I paused to look at some of the already detached parts of Spider-Man and said to the offline android, "You've been a naughty hero though. Maybe I should first teach you a lesson and test you out thoroughly." I snickered at my corny joke as I started to also get naked and let my own erection out of my pants. Good thing the guys' party isn't in a few days.


Machines are a lot more efficient than most humans. Or as efficient as we make them out to be. Take Brett here, for example. He may not look like it but he's not even really a "he". He or it, rather, is one of the most recent life-like androids that our company has developed. Unlike our previous models, Brett's line is designed for comfort, companionship, and, obviously, for sex. That doesn't mean they're just dumb fucks, though.

Brett is able to emulate a wide variety of human reactions to physical and sexual stimuli, depending on the user's preferences and his programming. In layman's terms, he can suck, fuck, and be fucked and can cum like a geyser if that's your thing. The very convincing robot, however, is also programmed to conserve resources so, when the situation doesn't call for it, he will initiate his fellatio program on himself so that his artificial fluids get sucked right back into the internal chamber. And he doesn't even miss a drop, as I have noted in over a dozen "hands-on" tests I've done on robots like this one.


I got home to somewhat of a surprise waiting for me on my cough in the form of three muscular men piled on top of each other wearing nothing but their underwear. None of them reacted to my arrival even if they all had their eyes wide open gazing at the window. In fact, there was no movement coming from them at all, not even the telltale signs of chests moving up and down. That was actually the surprise, not that there were three hot men seemingly waiting for my arrival.

No, they’re not dead. They were never even alive in the first place. I bought these at a bargain sale for life-like animatronic dolls. Their modifiable programs made them a great help in the house and an even greater help in bed. Which is probably why they’re dressed this way. Or rather, barely dressed. My guess, they were probably waiting for me to have a little sex romp after work, though that doesn’t explain why they’re all frozen like that.

On closer inspection, I discovered dried-up synthetic jizz in their underwear, dripping out into their torso and down their legs. Manually checking their battery levels confirmed my suspicions. Their orgasm functions may have triggered and looped while huddled together in that position, perhaps a side effect from the new program that I wrote that enabled attraction to their fellow machines. Oh well, I’ll have plenty of time to debug their software later. For now, I’m too hard to think of anything other than fucking those shutdown toys right then and there.

Coffee Machine

I woke up without Matt beside me in bed, which wasn't surprising in the slightest. Like clockwork, he always gets up before I do to prepare breakfast. Today was a slow day, though, and I didn't need to be in the office until after lunch, which was a rare treat. So I grudgingly dragged myself to the bathroom to take my regular morning shower.

I walked back into the bedroom with only my towel wrapped around my torso when I got an unexpected but very pleasant surprise. On the nightstand next to my bed was a freshly cooked serving of my favorite breakfast. More importantly, however, on the bed itself was Matt, sitting up against the headboard holding a hot mug of coffee placed on top of his black briefs, which were the only piece of clothing he was wearing.

"Good morning. The weather today is partly cloudy with a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit," Matt said without any inflection. "Your next appointment is at 2:00 p.m. Based on estimated traffic, it is recommended that you leave at 1:15 p.m. at the latest."

"Uh, thanks?" I said, cocking an eyebrow. "What's with the mug?"

"Factoring in today's schedule and your personal preferences, I calculated that you might desire to stay longer in bed and have breakfast in comfort. I have prepared your favorite brew of coffee and I'm keeping it warm via thermal induction," he said plainly, his face blank and emotionless.

"Or ... we can use that time to have some fun," I said with a smirk, letting my towel fall to the floor to reveal my growing erection.

"Acknowledged," Matt replied as he carefully set the coffee to the side. He returned to his earlier sitting position, sans the mug, and monotoned, "Initiating sexual protocols." At that, I jumped on the bed and started ravishing my house robot with my tongue. Best investment ever!

Machine Learning

The two young men grasped each other's limbs as they fought each other for dominance on the gym floor. Bryce, the boy in red, almost got Mark in a chokehold when his blue-clad opponent flipped the tables by literally flipping him and locking his limbs in an inescapable formation of interlocking legs and arms. Bryce seemed to instinctively react, however, and twisted his own arm to lock Mark's leg in place.

The end result was an almost comical position where the two wrestlers struggled to break free of each other. It would have been hilarious had it not been for the very audible whirring and grinding metal sounds that were coming from the young men.

You see, these two weren't actually young men, even though they definitely looked the part of striking college students. These are actually wrestling training robots, still under development by the university's Robotics and AI Lab. They're on loan to the college wrestling team that I lead as an experiment on how well they can perform their functions. Apparently not so much yet, I sighed as I manually had to untangle their limbs from each other, hearing clicks each time I try to bend or straightened their arms or legs.

"Sorry, Cap," Bryce said sheepishly as his head jerked to the side. "Guess we still have a few bugs to stomp out."

"Do you think they'll scrap us after this ninth error?" Mark chimed, strangely a bit too enthusiastic, while wringing his hands and feet.

"Nah, that was part of the deal. For going through all the trouble of testing you, RAIL promised we could get to keep the machines," I said reassuringly before. "Now let's get you two cleaned up. I think the team is waiting for us in the lockers for our usual post-practice exercise. And from the looks of it," I smirked while groping their very visible erections, "you're all warmed up already."

"We can't help it!" Mark smirked. "We were manufactured to be anatomically correct and functional. We also can't help if we're programmed to activate our sexual functions when in physical contact with hot bodies."

"Well, that's definitely a bug I'm going to leave out of my report," I grinned as I wrapped my shoulders around the two robots to lead them to the lockers.

Fire Hose

I may have bitten off more than I could chew, not literally of course, when I decided to have an impromptu make-out session with my partner when I got back home from work. It was a rather stressful day in the office and I thought a little fun would help relieve the tension.

I was game enough to get down on my knees and blow him but imagine my shock when I felt an intense rumbling in my mouth followed by a torrent of cum that was more like an eruption than an ejaculation. I quickly got up and got out of the way before I got drenched even further.

He grabbed his cock and occasionally gave it a few jerks as he continued to cum like a water hose. All the while he was smirking while looking at and directing his rod at the space where I previously was, as if not realizing I wasn’t there anymore.

He just kept cumming and jerking nonstop and wouldn’t respond to my commands. Frustrated I got behind him and shoved a key on the back of his neck, immediately shutting him down. I quickly connected him to my laptop to run a systems check only to discover that he had a literal screw loose that kept the pressure of his cum generator in check. Now I’ll have to take him apart just to fix that.

To both my annoyance and amusement, I also discovered that my mechanical housemate knew about the problem but decided to prank me. Joke’s on him, though, because my expert fellatio and the sudden release of fluids caused a system error that trapped him in a loop. Great, now I have to fix that, too. He shouldn’t be surprised when he reboots disassembled and with my own jizz all over his parts.

Smoking Hot

I have always been amazed at the efficiency and abilities of our local firefighting force. Ever since they expanded their crew with new members, their success rate at putting out fires and rescuing victims has skyrocketed. Although it’s nearly impossible not to have any damages, there have been no reported casualties in the past months.

It may sound suspicious or even morbid, but I’ve gotten into the habit of going to incidents just to watch these men in action. It probably also helps that the firefighters look like gods among men. Very hot gods. I didn’t realize how hot they were until one such fireman started walking toward me after putting out one such fire in our area. The fire department was already familiar with what they called "fire groupies" so I didn’t think much about it until Shen tore off his soiled white shirt as he approached. He pulled on the straps of his pants and I was half-fearing and half-wishing he would be stripping right then and there. My fantasies were interrupted, however, when wisps of smoke started to appear around his chiseled torso.

"Hey there, bud, hey. You seem like a friendly familiar friendly face," Shen said in an odd manner as he kept on tugging at his straps. "You’re hot. I’m hot, very hot," my living wet dream grinned at me before standing ramrod straight. "Citizen, I require your assistance hot," Shen said in a deep voice without any of his usual inflection.

The wisps of smoke grew stronger and the muscular firefighter grabbed my arm and pulled me into an alley away from the crowd and his teammates. He leaned back on the wall and uttered a groan as copious amounts of sweat started pouring over his body. Except it wasn’t sweat, as there was none of the usual musky smell. I heard sizzling sounds before Shen finally spoke in that monotone voice again.

"Emergency cooling systems initiated. Help, friend," he smiled before slumping backward and growing limp. I heard a hissing sound and then his six-pack split in half and slide sideways, revealing gears and motors moving so fast that they were producing sparks and smoke. "Administrator privileges granted. You’re so hot. Please state your command. Thermal hotness levels. Waiting orders."

I was shocked and yet immediately turned on at the same time to discover that the man of my dreams was really a sophisticated hi-tech toy. I was bewildered when Shen smiled and started bucking his hips while repeating the same error messages, guessing that he was experiencing some rather extreme malfunction. Part of me wanted to see him break down but part of me started to panic when the smoke increased in intensity.

"Um, OK Shen, shut down," I ordered, my voice croaking with uncertainty.

"Command received, shutting doooowww ..." Shen said slowly before finally freezing in place, his face smiling blankly to the side while his hips were still raised mid-air, a very noticeable bulge forming under his loose pants. I waited for all the LED lights inside his stomach to die out and the smoke to clear before I took the courage to step forward and place my hand on his already dry skin. Emboldened by my realization, I groped his frozen hard-on and kissed him forcefully, jamming my tongue into his slightly open mouth. I reluctantly pulled away after a while, thinking of how to fix the broken machine. I also started wondering who else in the fire-fighting squad is just like it.

Team Bundle

Up next in our catalogue is a selection of our finest lacrosse players, represented here by three attackmen. Each player is specifically designed and carefully handcrafted to resemble North American young men in their senior year in college, inspired by our JOCK series of designs. Each member of the team is built to be durable and impervious to minor accidents, taking advantage of space-grade lightweight titanium alloy materials to ensure they fall within standardized weight requirements. The company’s patent-pending FLESH and SKIN technologies deliver realistic softness, pliability, and protection.

The lacrosse team set comes bundled with preprogrammed functions, including "Sports and Fitness", "Party Time", and the all-new "Death Match". The latter mode has been added after being flooded with customer requests to support a more exhilarating "no holds barred" bot vs. bot matches. All units are engineered to attempt to continue their preprogrammed directives even after significant damage or control loss which, we have been told by very satisfied customers, have resulted in increased ticket sales and audience impact. The company offers a one-time replacement for damaged machines but buyers can also pay for a recurring subscription for repair and replacement.

Buyers can select from dozens of possible combinations of appearances and characters or, for an additional fee, have a sit-in with our designer to customize each of the 10 robots’ builds and personalities. We also offer private screening and testing of the merchandise, so please call our toll-free number to book an appointment. Each purchase also comes with a control console that lets users override the robots’ programs, manually control them, or, for the more tech-savvy, write additional programs and functions. Each android is designed to be anatomically correct, which is another much-requested feature, and is self-cleaning and hygienic so they are also perfect for use in more intimate applications.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Frozen Toys

There has been a recent spate of androids being discovered outdoors in a deactivated state and their batteries fully drained. All the cases seemed to have three elements in common. For one, all the robots were located in semi-remote locations, often in forests, riversides, and other areas with little foot traffic. Second, they all seem to be Asian-type models with toned and not overly muscular frames. Lastly, all of them seem to have had their sexual components enabled at the moment they were shut down.

After taking the machines apart to investigate and analyze their data, we concluded that these “bois”, as they were called, were being sold on the Dark Web for extremely low prices and for good reason. These second-hand units were pretty much on the verge of disrepair due to overuse and lack of maintenance. Their buyers, knowingly or otherwise, acquire the robots for sexual activity, often outdoors away from prying eyes. The intense operation always leads to complete system breakdown and their human users simply leave these practically throwaway dolls where they stood or laid rather than risk attracting attention by moving an inert droid.

The Android Trade Collective (ATC) has been alerted and is cracking down on the sale of used machines that potentially violate consumer rights. The droids in the task force’s possession have been thoroughly cleaned, reassembled, and restored to factory settings. As they no longer have any legal owners, the task force has assumed admin rights and the robots will serve various functions inside the office ranging from clerical work to sexual outlets.

Boss' Eager Helper

We finally finished preparing all the materials we needed for tomorrow night’s meeting when the boss plopped down on the hotel bed exhausted.

"Well now that that’s all done, we can finally relax!" the old man said with a sigh, loosening his tie but keeping the rest of his suit on. "Thanks for agreeing to come along, Josh. You were a big help, to me and to the company."

"That’s what you hired me for," I smiled as I started to take off my dress shirt. "Among other things."

"What do you mean ‘other things’?" my superior raised an eyebrow without moving from the bed.

I reached for my phone and tapped my way to an app. "You shouldn’t be this drained from just hauling 3 boxes of files. Gotta make sure nothing’s wrong before tomorrow’s big meeting," I explained while stepping closer to the larger man. I unbuttoned both his shirt and his pants, pulling them off to reveal his large beefy torso and the unmistakable girth hiding beneath his briefs.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the boss panicked but was unable to move, his right arm frozen in midair as if trying to reach up for me.

"Don’t worry sir. This is all regular routine. As I said, it’s what the company hired me for," I grinned as I casually rubbed my hands all over his hairy chest.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Josh?! I had expected better from you! When I get out of this, you’re done for!" the man angrily said in an ironically low voice.

"Well, at least that part seems to be working well," I smirked. I reached out for my phone and tapped in a code and my boss immediately stopped his threats.

"Entering maintenance mode," he said, this time with a monotone. "Warning: Battery levels low. Please plug in to recharge this machine."

"Hmm yeah, that won’t do. Open maintenance hatch," I commanded.

"Acknowledged," he again said plainly. Without moving an inch or changing his now blank expression, the old man’s abdomen hissed and opened like a castle drawbridge, revealing the slowly blinking red LED lights in a mass of cables and circuit boards.

I quickly got some tools out of my bag and poked the insides of the handsome mechanical man, glancing once in a while at my phone for a diagnostic readout. "Hmm nothing wrong there," I mumbled to no one in particular. "Guess I’ll have to check the OS now too," I sighed. "Close maintenance hatch."

"Acknowledged," the robot said again as his abs returned to normal with no trace of any gap between the skin. I straddled my boss’ still immobile body, his head now looking at nothing in particular, his eyes dull and glassed over behind his eyeglasses. I removed those before I firmly held his head in my two hands and then swiftly turned it to the side until I heard an audible click.

"Warning: Disconnected. Head unit disengaged. Unit switching to basic instruction mode. Awaiting command," the machine reported, the audio coming from the now exposed neck hole. His body remained in the exact same position when I started the diagnostics program.

I held my boss’s head in my hand and ran my finger across his lips, prying them apart to open his mouth wide. "Well, there’s still plenty of time before the meeting, and you’re right, it’s about time we relaxed," I said mischievously as I unzipped my pants pulling out my hardening cock and shoving it inside the still moist mouth. "The perks of being your personal maintenance staff," I moaned as I used the deactivated head like a glorified hi-tech fleshlight.


"Greetings, new owner! Congratulations on your latest purchase. I am... acknowledged... designated name Takato. I am the latest model in the Asian DASH series. As a Domestic Android for Services and Housekeeping, I am programmed and designed to offer the best smart home experience to our customers. My lightweight and moderate-sized structure allow for convenient storage while my synthetic dermal layer and automatic thermal controls promise a comfortable sleep when placed beside you on your bed."

"I am programmed with over a hundred functions and a database of information ranging from cooking, cleaning, sex, high-performance computation, gaming, and social interactions. While I might not be as built or as durable as the Android Reconnaissance and Martial Services (ARMS) bodyguards, you will find that my flexible synthetic material and 360-degree joints still allow for a wide range of movement and poseability as tested by certified Yogic and Kama Sutra experts."

"I am also self-maintaining and self-cleaning and the water and electricity used for maintenance are charged at Synth Life Co.’s expense. You will also find the included console tablet for manual controls and additional programming. Please ensure that all firewalls and antivirus software are updated when connecting to the net..."

"Acknowledged. External storage device detected. Installing new program. This program has not been verified by Synth Life Co, do you wish to continue? Acknowledged. Rebooting."

"Hello sir, which function would you like to test today? Yes sir, loading sex database. Initiating intercourse functions. No why don’t you put that tablet away and join me in bed, sir. I promise you won’t regret purchasing this machine."

Bathroom Etiquette

“Hank!” I called out to my better half, wondering what was taking him so long to finish showering. I knew he was quite meticulous about his cleanliness but even this was out of the ordinary. My heart started beating faster when I knocked on the bathroom door and didn’t get a response. In fact, I didn’t even hear a single sound coming from inside.

I hurriedly unlocked the door and found Hank on the floor, his butt up in the air and its hole pointing right at me. He had one hand reaching for the base of his cock while the other was planted firmly on the bathroom floor for support. His face was seemingly frozen in shock, mouth hanging open.

I stepped closer and nudged him without any response. I did, however, hear the almost silent humming of hard drives spinning endlessly. Now it finally made sense. Hank boasted of learning something new to surprise me. “I told you not to download random programs into your system,” I said to the frozen machine that was most likely caught in a loop.

“Let’s get you rebooted so we can finally be on our way,” I said to no one in particular before stopping midway from pulling him up. “On second thought, since you took the effort to install a new mode for me, might as well make use of it,” I smirked as I unzipped my pants and plunged my already hard member into the robot’s inviting rear port.

Fuckbot 2000

The cocky new hire made the mistake of crossing paths with the smartest guy in the IT department. I don’t usually like tooting my own horn, but it’s difficult to resist taking matters into your own hand when a hot young newbie tries to upstage a hard-working employee by doing “favors” for management. Especially when you’ve dealt with the exact same make and model of androids in the past.

All it takes is one carefully crafted phone call with a precise series of tones to trigger a bug that freezes the robot in place. Hey, it’s not my fault the company hasn’t rolled out patches to their products. Or maybe they figured some people actually have a thing for controlling their machines this way. People like me.

It was too late for him when he rebooted in my basement computer lab as I had already disabled all his motor and emergency systems. A few buffer overflows here, a segmentation fault there (did I mention I have a thing for erratic twitching caused by system errors?) and I had full access to his programming. Of course, I was careful not to change too much lest it arouse suspicion. Just made him a little nicer and a bit more forthcoming with me about what our bosses disclose to him. In the office, it’s like nothing happened. But at night when I send him a secret code, he comes over and becomes my personal Fuckbot 2000, ready to go back to work and impress the suits the next day after hours of intense sex. The perks of being a robot fetishist geek.

Skater Boy

I saw my neighbor try to do what I think they called an “Ollie North” but ended up crashing hard to the ground and landing on his skateboard. Seeing no one around to help, I quickly rushed to the young man who was still sitting on the ground shaking his head. When I reached him, however, I was shocked to see he had his rather large cock out. Even more bewildering, his cock went from flaccid to ramrod straight and back again repeatedly without him even touching it.

“Hey, are you alright?” I asked half-worried and half-aroused.

“I’m inertial measurement unit dislodged cool, man. Great trick deploying interface rod retracting, trick huh huh?” he looked up at me with that smile that always tugged at my heart. This time, though, his head twitched from side to side in sync with his bobbing penis.

It finally dawned on me that my neighbor is a robot! That explained why he never seemed to go to college, always lived alone, and was a perfect specimen of a twink. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, that triggered my deepest fantasies even more.

“Why don’t we get you home to see what we can do about those errors,” I said as I pulled him up from the ground with surprisingly little effort. He continued to jerk slightly and his cock started to leak some clear viscous fluid. “And then maybe we can do something about that other problem of yours,” I smirked giving the throbbing penis a tug.

“Affirmative. Fuck yeah sir! Sexual systems deactivated activated,” he said in a mix of monotone and his usual skater boy voice as he reached around and groped my own cock through my jeans. I better hurry inside before someone sees us and tries to steal my new toy.

Cold and Hot

I was literally drenched in sweat in my living room both from the heat and from rather inappropriate thoughts about the service personnel that the air conditioning company sent to install the unit outside. It took no small amount of restraint not to play with myself right then and there, lest the man walks in on me and creates a scene.

I was in the middle of trying to distract myself with the TV when the power fluctuated repeatedly. I heard a loud sparking sound and a metallic thud outside and I hurriedly panicked to check on the worker, not bothering to put on a shirt to cover my top. I was shocked to see the Chinese-looking young man squatting on the ground with his pants torn off and flung to the side. Even more shocking was the man’s sizable cock, standing fully erect in plain sight.

“Are you OK?” I asked as softly as I could despite my rising fear to avoid attracting the neighbors’ attention.

“All systems are operational. Power surge detected. All systems are operational,” the installer replied with absolutely no intonation. He then twitched his head to the side as he continued working on the air conditioning unit.

“Fuck, are you a robot?” I asked in reply, now even more desperate to calm my throbbing member.

“Affirmative, I ... Warning: corrupted data detected. Restoring from backup ... am Service Unit 6N72. How may I help you?” the young man, who was apparently not a man at all, rigidly stood up to face me with a smile, his or its rod bobbing up and down in rhythmic fashion before my very eyes as if hypnotizing me. It was then and there that I finally decided to get rid of all reservations.

“Well let’s get you inside so I can call your company and report this incident. But not after I get to play with you,” I said with a smirk.

“Acknowledged. Rates will be adjusted to include extra services,” the robot responded with a blank smile.

“Fine by me! Might as well get my money’s worth,” I said slyly as I grabbed the machine by the cock and led it inside. It can finish installing the other machine later.


One of the advantages of having an android for a boyfriend is how multi-functional he can be. Unable to cook even if your very life depended on it (and, for a biological, it actually does)? Just download your desired recipes into his database and watch him cook up a sumptuous meal.

And it doesn’t need to be just chores either. Who needs to invest in multiple exclusive and incompatible consoles when you can have them all in one? Thanks to a wireless controller and a laser projector mod, I can play any graphics-intensive triple-A title I want on the fly. Of course, sometimes he’d prefer to play with me but there’s not much he can do when I switch his mode. Then he becomes nothing more than a game boy machine.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

echo "Hello, World!"

/*** Welcome to Unit CM-069 Data Archives.
     Please click the link to continue reading. ***/
#include <iostream>
#include "cyb3rm0nk.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Bot* CM069 = new Bot(MODEL_CYB3RM0NK);
    CM069->say("Hello, World!\n");
    CM069->prompt("Unit standing by...");

    while (!CM069->isShutdown())
        while (CM069->commandQueue().length() > 0)

    return RET_SUCCESS;

> clang++ test.cpp -o run-test
> ./run-test